Is Coke Zero Being Discontinued? | Why is there no Coke Zero available?

Rumors aren’t Real. Eventually, Rumours have no end, it just starts, spread, and create miscommunication. A recent Facebook post by Boohoo left the people frozen. It stated that Coke Zero is going to be discontinued in the UK. People were heartbroken after reading that. Coke is not just a drink; it is an emotion. People have been in love with it since the beginning. As soon as the news reached Coca Cola, they responded and relieved people. It turns out that the statement by Boohoo was baseless, and Coke zero will not be discontinued. People can still enjoy their favorite drink forever.

People’s last wish – Coke Zero Discontinuation

Is Coke Zero Being Discontinued

News of Coke Zero Discontinuation left people speechless yet with so many questions. In its recent Facebook post, Boohoo stated the discontinuation of Coke Zero in the UK. People started to tweet posts and question Coca Cola for the same. People wanted an answer. It looked like Coke zero discontinuation was their last wish and went like, “They’re discontinuing coke zero? Nah, this is my last f***ing straw,” one person wrote on Twitter. At the same time, another added: “WDYM [what do you mean] COKE ZERO IS BEING DISCONTINUED.” How are people obsessed with diet coke when Coke Zero exists and get help,” a third person wrote. These are the few tweets that were trending to which the company replied, “We can confirm it’s not being discontinued in GB!”

Coca Cola breaks the ice on Coke Zero Discontinuation

People are going mad on hearing the news of Coke zero breaking off. People are in love with it anyway; some like it because they feel it is the same and connected with the previous one. On the other hand, some like it because they find it unique with different tastes. Either way, Coke zero is ruling people’s hearts, and people can’t let it go. Suddenly a statement about the discontinuation of Coke Zero by Boohoo made people feel betrayed. With around 20,000 comments and tweets, Coca Cola has broken the ice by stating, “Not on our watch!” and assuring, “Don’t worry, Coke Zero is here to stay!”

Will we not be able to taste the feeling again?

There are two things about Coca Cola that connect people with it; one is its taste, and the other is its taglines. Coke makes its catchphrases worthy from the beginning. “Taste the Feeling” justifies it all because Coke Zero is not just a beverage but an emotion for people. A recent post by Boohoo states, “BREAKING – Coke Zero is being discontinued in the UK.” This was like a heartache for coke admirers. Coca Cola knows how to keep its cult community happy together. It stood up, and rest assured they will not discontinue Coke Zero. People can still taste the feeling.

Shortage and discontinued of Coke Zero created online chaos

Rumors spread like fire on the Internet. After a Facebook post by Boohoo stating that Coca Cola would discontinue Coke zero, an online rally got started. Twenty thousand tweets and comments seem like an online movement where everyone questioned Coca-Cola. No one wanted to ditch Coke zero. Everyone expressed their feelings in their way, in their own words, in their language, but it meant the same thing, “Why Coca Cola is discontinuing Coke Zero?”. Seeing such huge chaos everywhere on social media, Coca Cola decided to clear out the bewilderment. Coca Cola replied to many tweets and comments on social media, stating Coke Zero is not going to discontinue on their watch. Coca Cola also mentioned that people do not have to worry; Coke is here to stay. Coca Cola might launch a new taste saying it as the ‘Best Coke Ever.’ Confirmation is not there yet, but for now, it is great people are not losing their old taste.

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