Is Ultra Sheen discontinued: Is they still make it in 2023?

Uterine cancer is 2.5 times more likely to occur in women who use hair straightening products like Ultra Sheen Hair Relaxer than in those who do not. This is according to a recent National Institutes of Health (NIH) study. Cancer and other major disorders have been connected to the Ultra Sheen Supreme hair relaxer. New lawsuits involving the hair relaxer Ultra Sheen Supreme are currently being accepted by the Johnson/Becker lawyers.

Research studies have connected chemical hair relaxers to uterine cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. These findings are especially relevant for women, who use hair straightening products more and at higher rates than men.

What happened to Ultra Sheen products?

Ultra Sheen Supreme No-Lye Relaxer conditioners enter the hair’s weak spots. They do this to reduce overprocessing-related damage. The solution self-adjusts to wash the hair. Also, it removes residue, oil, and dust while restoring the hair’s pH balance.

According to research, hair straightening products include over 5,000 chemicals. Some of the chemicals are labeled as hormone disruptors. Hormone disruptors can have an impact on the body’s hormone system. They either inhibit or mimic the production of estrogen and other hormones. Several chemicals in permanent hair dyes are related to rat mammary gland tumors.

According to recent Greenpeace Germany research, the ultrafast company Shein has a strategy. The company’s strategy is based on dangerous chemicals and ecological damage. 47 Shein products were tested, and seven (15%) were found to contain dangerous chemicals. They exceeded EU regulatory limits, with five of these goods exceeding the limits by 100% or more. Also, 15 of the products tested contained harmful chemicals at levels that are of concern (32%).

A skilled group of trial lawyers has recently concentrated on defending plaintiffs in legal disputes over ultra-sheen hair relaxers.

Which company makes Ultra Sheen products?

Johnson Products Company (JPC) is a privately owned American company. The headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. It is well-known for manufacturing hair care and cosmetics. They manufacture “Afro Sheen” and “Ultra Sheen” for African American clients.

This group was created in Chicago in 1954 by George Johnson, a former door-to-door cosmetics salesperson. African Americans’ hair care products were produced by Johnson at a facility on the South Side of the city. The business’s initial offering was an “Ultra” Hair Straightener. It debuted its popular “Ultra Sheen” brand in 1957. In response to social changes, Johnson launched the “Afro Sheen” product line in the 1960s. Johnson Products was growing to be one of the biggest industrial firms owned by African Americans.

The Ivax Corp. of Florida is a big manufacturer of pharmaceuticals and personal care goods. It acquired Johnson Products in 1993. Johnson joined Carson, Inc. of Georgia, a smaller business that focused on cosmetics for African Americans, near the end of the 1990s. Carson merged with L’Oreal USA in 2000. The Johnson Products division changed its name to L’Oreal while keeping its Chicago offices.

Where to buy Ultra Sheen products?

The products of Ultra Sheen are widely available in all online stores.

Ultra Sheen products shortage

The study examined the connection between using chemical hair straighteners and a possible elevated risk of uterine cancer. It was released by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute on October 17, 2022. After 11 years, the research followed 33,497 women and found at least 378 people who went on to get uterine cancer.

Compared to women who never used the items, the study found that those who used chemical hair straighteners. This has happened at least four times in the last year. It also had a 2.5-fold increased risk of uterine cancer.

More than 60% of the study’s female participants identified as African Americans. It is worth noting that the study found no differences in uterine cancer rates between races when looking at the link between hair straightener use and risk. Still, these results might be more crucial because black women use a hair straightening or relaxer products more often. Also, they are more likely to use it at a younger age than other races. Che-Jung Chang, the co-author of this research, told us this. This can lead to shortages of this product.


A Missouri lady claims that the hair relaxer items she has used since third grade were to blame for her uterine cancer. She said in a federal lawsuit she filed two days after the study’s publication mentioned above. Mitchell has filed a lawsuit against L’Oréal, SoftSheen Carson, Strength of Nature, Dabur, and Namaste Labs, among others.

According to the lawsuit, the firms knew or should have known that their hair care products raised cancer risk. But they still made and distributed them without informing users of the potential health concerns.