Category: Drinks

Is Mountain Dew Being Discontinued? Why is there a shortage?

Is Mountain Dew Being Discontinued? Mountain Dew fans, listen up! There’s news about your favorite drink. PepsiCo, the company behind Mountain Dew, has discontinued making one of its drinks, MTN Dew Energy. 

Yes, you read that right! PepsiCo used to sell a tasty energy drink called MTN Dew Energy. But now, they’ve discontinued it. 

They had to change its name two years ago because of a legal problem. Then, in 2024, they decided to discontinue it altogether. Fans will miss flavors like Strawberry Melon Spark, Orange Breeze, and Pomegranate Blue Burst.

If you’re looking for a replacement, PepsiCo suggests trying Rockstar, another energy drink they own. Rockstar has lots of flavors to choose from. You can try Rockstar Punched for a fruity taste or Rockstar Pure Zero if you want something with no sugar but still yummy. MTN Dew Energy had a good run, but it’s gone now. You won’t find it in stores anymore.

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola sometimes stop making certain drinks to focus on others. Coca-Cola stopped selling a juice called Odwalla, too. They say it helps them focus on drinks that make more money, like Minute Maid and Simply. It isn’t very pleasant for people who like MTN Dew Energy or Odwalla, but other options exist.

PepsiCo didn’t give many details about why they discontinued MTN Dew Energy. The news first came out on the SodaSeekers Instagram page. It’s sad for fans of MTN Dew Energy, but MTN Dew Kickstart is still available.

Why Are PepsiCo And Coca-Cola Discontinuing Some Of Their Popular Drinks?

Big companies like PepsiCo and Coca-Cola face a problem because they own many popular drink brands. Coca-Cola had to make tough choices recently by getting rid of many brands, even though some people liked them. It’s smart financially, but it makes customers sad.

When Coca-Cola removed many brands in 2020, many people were upset because they loved those drinks. Cath Coetzer, who used to work for Coca-Cola, explained they were focusing on big brands. This way, they could make a lot of money, but that didn’t make fans of the smaller brands feel better.

PepsiCo also made similar decisions. In 2023, they discontinued making Sierra Mist and replaced it with Starry, a drink for younger people. Now, they’ve stopped making another big drink that fans loved.

How Is Pepsi Adjusting To Changes In How People Buy Soda?

The boss of Pepsi, Ramon Laguarta, talked about changes in how people buy soda. He said they focus on two important things – how much people buy (units) and how much money they make (margin).

Laguarta shared that more people are buying smaller packs of soda. Pepsi is adjusting prices and the types of drinks it offers to make it easier for people to get these smaller packs. This helps them sell more and make more money.

He mentioned that even though people buy more, they ensure the company is still making good money (margin). So, Pepsi is changing things to match what customers want and still make a profit.

What’s Coca-Cola’s New Flavor, And How Are People Reacting To It?

Coca-Cola brought a new flavor– Raspberry Spiced Coke. This was shared at a big convention in October. If you’re a fan of Coke Zero, good news – the new flavor will also come in Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Raspberry Spiced.

Coca-Cola has introduced different soda innovations, like Coca-Cola Creations Y3000, a futuristic soda made with AI. Now, they’re adding Raspberry Spiced to their lineup. Even though we don’t know how it tastes, the name gives us an idea.

Some people on social media have mixed feelings about it. They thought releasing a winter flavor after the holidays was a bit odd. But others are excited to try something new. One person said, “Classic is great, but new things are always fun.

Coca-Cola isn’t the only company trying out new soda flavors. Pepsi has brought out special editions like Pepsi Pineapple, a Pepsi and Peeps collaboration, and even an Apple Pie Pepsi. Maybe Pepsi will dig into its flavor archives with the new spiced Coke.

What Are The Alternatives To Mountain Dew?

If you like sodas like Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Mountain Dew but want healthier options without lots of sugar, here are some good choices:

  • Olipop: It tastes like real soda but helps with digestion. They use natural ingredients like cassava root and calendula flower.
  • Poppi Also supports gut health, with apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient. Comes in flavors like Classic Cola and Root Beer.
  • Zevia: A sugar-free soda with no calories. They use stevia leaf extract to sweeten their drinks. Flavors include Mountain Zevia, Dr. Zevia, and more.
  • Bubly: A flavored sparkling water from Pepsi. It’s less powerful than regular soda but still gives a hint of fresh fruit. Flavors include Blueberry Pomegranate and Coconut Pineapple.
  • LaCroix Nicola: LaCroix’s soda version has unique flavors like Coconut Cola and Coffee Exotica.
  • AHA Sparkling Water: Coca-Cola’s flavored sparkling water with no sugar or calories. Flavors include Blackberry + Lemon and Peach + Honey.
  • Spindrift: It uses real fruit juice for flavor and no added sugar. Flavors include Lime, Lemon, and Grapefruit.
  • Bai Bubbles: Bai Bubbles contain caffeine from natural sources like coffee, fruit, and white tea extract. Flavors include Lambari Watermelon Lime and Jamaica Blood Orange.
  • Polar Seltzer: A long-time sparkling water brand with various flavors like Ruby Red Grapefruit and Toasted Coconut.
  • IZZE: Fruity drinks sweetened with 70% real fruit juice. Flavors include Blackberry Lemonade and Peach.

These are tasty alternatives to reduce sugar, and still enjoy fizzy drinks!

The Wrap

Yes, it’s true. Mountain Dew is being discontinued. PepsiCo, the company that owns Mountain Dew, decided to stop making it. They say fans can try other energy drinks from Rockstar, another brand they own. This decision makes some people sad because they like the different flavors of Mountain Dew. But big companies like PepsiCo sometimes stop making certain drinks to focus on others. Changes like these happen, and people might need to find new favorites. So, if you love Mountain Dew, it’s time to say goodbye and explore other sodas or energy drinks.

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Do they still make SoBe drinks? Has SoBe Drinks Discontinued?

SoBe drinks were super popular. PepsiCo owned them, and they were famous for yummy juice and tea drinks with names like “Tsunami” and “Liz Blizz.” The bottles had a lizard design and came in bright colors.

Lots of people loved SoBe, and the company was getting bigger. But now, you can hardly find a SoBe drink anywhere. People are wondering, “Has SoBe Drinks Discontinued?”

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

Has SoBe Drinks Discontinued? Yes, SoBe drinks have been discontinued by PepsiCo, the company that bought SoBe in 2001. We don’t know why they stopped, but it might be because not many people were buying them, and PepsiCo wanted to focus on other drinks like Gatorade and Mountain Dew.

SoBe used to be really popular in the 1990s and early 2000s. People loved their fruity drinks with special ingredients and colorful bottles. The most loved drinks were the Elixirs, which were fruity drinks with extra vitamins and minerals. SoBe also made teas, energy drinks, and water.

But, as time went on, fewer people bought SoBe drinks, partly because more people wanted healthier drinks like water and flavored fizzy water. PepsiCo also got criticized for SoBe drinks having too much sugar.

Keep reading for more!

Who Owns SoBe Drinks And How Did They Start?

SoBe, which stands for South Beach, started in 1996 and brought a lot of excitement with its drinks. It’s a special kind of drink known for its amazing different flavors and healthy stuff inside. Two people named John Bello and Tom Schwalm started SoBe in New York. 

Later, a big company called PepsiCo bought it in 2008 and added more tasty teas, fruit drinks, and enhanced waters.

If you’re wondering, “Who owns SoBe drinks?” Well, it’s PepsiCo! We’ll talk more about that soon. Let’s go to the next part to learn about the story of SoBe drinks, “How Did They Start?”

The story of SoBe drinks: How they began SoBe (South Beach) drinks were created to be different. They wanted to give people a healthier choice compared to regular sodas by using cool things like herbal extracts, vitamins, and unique flavors.

Let’s go through the story of SoBe drinks over the years:

1996: SoBe was started in New York by two people named John Bello and Tom Schwalm. The name SoBe comes from a cool place called South Beach in Miami.

1997: SoBe introduced its first drinks like Black Tea, Green Tea, and Fruit Punch. They used special glass bottles with colorful labels.

1998: SoBe became popular for its unique marketing, like cool bottle caps with messages and quirky ads. Their marketing made them stand out in the drink world.

1999: SoBe kept growing by adding new flavors and making drinks with added vitamins and herbal extracts for health benefits.

2000: PepsiCo bought SoBe, but they still let it run kind of on its own. It was a big deal and gave SoBe more resources.

2002: SoBe had a fun advertising campaign called “Lizard Tales” with animated lizards. People really liked it.

2010-2016: SoBe changed its drinks to match what people wanted. They made drinks with fewer calories and natural sweeteners to keep up with trends.

2017: News came out that SoBe drinks were slowly discontinued in some places, and PepsiCo was focusing on other drinks.

2022-23: SoBe discontinued making most of its drinks, but technically it’s not gone. They just stopped making many flavors.

What Drinks SoBe Has Been Discontinued So Far?

Sadly, you can’t find these SoBe drinks anymore; let’s find out!

  • Qi
  • Oolong tea
  • Lizard Lava
  • Lizard Fuel
  • Lizard Lighting
  • Black and Blue Berry Brew
  • Long John Lizard’s Grape Grog
  • Essential Energy
  • Ice
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • No Fear
  • Elixiris 3C
  • Eros
  • Line
  • Synergy
  • Nirvana
  • Special Recipes
  • Love Bus Brew
  • Zen Blend
  • Wisdom
  • Superman
  • Good
  • Dragon

That’s a lot of drinks, right? Now, why did SoBe stop making them? What happened to SoBe drinks? Why did they discontinue?

Why Did SoBe Drinks Discontinue?

SoBe drinks have been discontinued for a few reasons:

New Bosses: 

PepsiCo, a big company, bought SoBe drinks in 2008. PepsiCo wanted more types of drinks, and SoBe had healthy options. This seemed good for both, but it wasn’t.

Good Parts: 

SoBe has more places to sell and more money for ads.

Bad Parts: 

SoBe lost its way and had problems fitting into PepsiCo’s big company style. Also, there was more competition within PepsiCo.

Not Selling Well: 

SoBe drinks, like everything, had different stages: Start, Grow, Top, and Down. Some drinks weren’t selling enough, so they had to stop making them.

Not Making Money: 

SoBe drinks had money troubles. They had to cut costs, which made the drinks not as good. Even though the drinks were still tasty, SoBe couldn’t make a lot of money. This made it hard for people to find SoBe drinks, so fewer people wanted them.

Too Many Types: 

Companies often stop making things that don’t sell well. SoBe had to stop many drinks because they weren’t making enough money.

Big Competition: 

Other brands, like Modere and Origin, had drinks like SoBe. SoBe couldn’t keep up, and people didn’t buy as much.

People Like Different Things: 

What people want changes. Suppose a product doesn’t match what people like now, companies stop making it. SoBe drinks also faced this problem.

So, SoBe drinks had a tough time because of new owners, money problems, not selling well, too many types, big competition, and people’s tastes changing.

How Does SoBe’s Disappearance Affect The Drink Industry?

SoBe drinks disappearing can affect people and the drink industry in different ways. Let’s see how:

Remembering the Good Times:

If you remember SoBe from the past, you might feel a bit sad that it’s not around anymore. You might miss the cool flavors and colorful bottles.

Feeling Let Down:

If you liked SoBe and find out it’s not easy to get any more, it might make you feel a bit disappointed, especially if you loved specific flavors.

Trying Something New:

If you really liked SoBe, try other drinks to find something similar. You could discover new favorites or find other brands with similar drinks.

Changing Tastes:

Since SoBe is not around, you might start liking different drinks. Some people might go for healthier options like natural fruit juices, herbal teas, or sparkling water.

Looking at What’s Popular:

If SoBe is not doing well, it might show that more people want healthier drinks. Brands with good and healthy ingredients might become more popular.

Being Loyal or Trying Something Else:

If you loved SoBe, you might feel a bit sad, but you can try other drinks too. Find ones with similar flavors or ones that bring back good memories.

Changes in the Drink World:

SoBe not doing well might mean big changes in how people like their drinks. Companies need to make new and better drinks that people want.

SoBe disappearing can make people remember the good times, feel a bit let down, try new drinks, change their tastes, look for healthier options, be loyal or try something else, and might change how companies make drinks.

How Do People Feel About SoBe Drinks Being Discontinued?

People have different feelings about SoBe drinks being stopped. Some who really liked SoBe are sad that they can’t buy their favorite drinks anymore, like citrus energy drinks and green tea.

Some people hope SoBe drinks will come back or are trying to find ways to get them still. But others are starting to like different drink brands instead.

This change with SoBe drinks has made people talk on social media about how they feel and how much they like SoBe drinks.

Future Outlook For SoBe Or Similar Products

SoBe drinks have an uncertain future! Some stores still have them, but they stopped making a bunch of drinks because not many people were buying them. Right now, PepsiCo owns SoBe, and they sell teas, fruit juice blends, and fancy water drinks.

There’s some news that SoBe might bring out a new energy drink in Connecticut. This could mean they’re trying something different. We’ll have to wait and see if SoBe becomes popular again in the drink world.

Is It Still Possible to Find SoBe Drinks?

The SoBe website is still up, but it’s not good news for SoBe drink fans. On the Product Locator tab, it shows a few SoBe drinks are still around as of September 2023, like Liz Blizz, Citrus Energy, and Green Tea flavors. Also, there’s the Strawberry Dragonfruit flavor and Black and Blueberry of SoBeWater.

But here’s the sad part. Even though the website says these drinks exist, it says they have “regional availability.” That means they’re only in some gas stations and grocery stores in the country. And even if you find a store, there’s no guarantee they have the drinks in stock.

For example, in Los Angeles, when looking for SoBe, only Safeway is listed as having SoBe products still in stock, and that’s not a lot.

So, you might still find a SoBe drink, but it’s much harder than it used to be.

Can You Find Buy SoBe Drinks?

If you want to find SoBe drinks even though they stopped making them, try looking in local stores or special places that might still have some left. Another option is to check online shops where they sell drinks.

Drinks Similar To SoBe Drinks

Want some tasty drinks like SoBe? Here are seven cool options:


This is water that tastes great and has extra vitamins. Try tropical citrus or berry flavors!


If you’re active, Gatorade is a good pick. It helps replace what your body loses during exercise. Lemon-lime and orange are popular choices.

Honest Tea: 

These are teas made with good stuff, like organic ingredients. Peach tea, green tea, and raspberry tea are some yummy flavors.


This drink is filled with good things like antioxidants. It’s made from coffee, fruit, and natural stuff. Coconut, mango, and pomegranate are some tasty flavors.

IZZE Sparkling Juice: 

This is a mix of fruit juice and fizzy water. Blackberry, grapefruit, and clementine are some delicious options.

Hint Water: 

Need to hydrate without calories? Hint: Water is perfect. It has subtle fruit flavors like watermelon, blackberry, and pineapple.

Zico Coconut Water: 

If you like coconuts, this one’s for you. It’s full of good stuff and comes in flavors like original and pineapple.

Remember, pick the one that matches what you like and keeps you refreshed!

The Bottom Line

Yes, SoBe drinks have been discontinued. They are no longer available, leaving many fans disappointed. While some hope for their return, others explore alternative beverages. The discontinuation sparks conversations online about favorite flavors and memories associated with SoBe. If you’re still craving SoBe, check local stores or online retailers for remaining stock. This change reflects shifts in consumer preferences towards healthier options, impacting the beverage industry. Whether SoBe will make a comeback remains uncertain, but for now, it’s time to explore new drink options and cherish the memories of SoBe’s vibrant flavors.

Bai Bubbles Discontinued – What drinks are similar to Bai Bubbles?

Hey folks, gather for some news that might disappoint your taste buds. Word on the street is that those tasty Bai Bubbles soda flavors we’ve all grown to love have done a disappearing act. 

Yeah, these fizzy delights seem to bid us farewell, and it isn’t just hearsay – multiple sources are singing the same tune.

Now, if you’ve been hunting for these bubbly beauties at your local stores or scoured the web, you’ve likely come up short. Some brave souls have even ventured to Amazon, only to find these unicorn-like packs being hawked at crazy prices.

And brace yourself, the plot thickens – some unlucky buyers snagged themselves damaged or outdated cans. Yikes! It’s like a soda apocalypse out there.

The masterminds behind Bai Brands have switched gears, shifting their focus away from the fizz. They’re diving headfirst into the realm of non-carbonated drinks, leaving us reminiscing about the good ol’ Bubbles. So, if you’re hankering for that Bai fix, you might have to explore their new offerings.

Bottom line, my friends: the Bai Bubbles saga seems to have wrapped up, but fret not – there’s a whole world of beverages waiting to tickle your taste buds. Let’s raise a glass – carbonated or not – to the memories of those delightful Bubbles flavors! 

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

Are there any alternative products to Bai Bubbles

Absolutely; there’s a whole array of options to fill the Bai Bubbles-shaped void in our lives! If you’re on the hunt for something fizzy and flavorful, look no further than these cool alternatives:

First, we’ve got the La Croix Sparkling Water, a real champ in the sparkling game. It’s got a lineup of flavours that’ll make your head spin, and some folks swear it’s a healthier sippin’ choice. 

Then there’s Spindrift Sparkling Water, the natural wonder of the bunch. They’re all about real fruit juice, giving you that genuine fruity goodness in each gulp.

Virgil’s Zero Sugar Soda’s got your back if you’re feeling the soda vibes. With flavours like root beer, cream soda, and cola, they’re all about that zero-sugar jazz. And hey, for those who wanna dodge the artificial sweetener scene, Zevia Zero Calorie Soda’s got the secret weapon: stevia. Zero calories, natural-ish sweetening – not too shabby!

And let’s not forget about Bubly Sparkling Water – another crowd-pleaser with many flavours to tickle your taste buds. It’s like the party never ended!

So, while Bai Bubbles may have pulled a disappearing act, these other champs are ready to step up to the plate. It’s a world of fizzy wonders out there, folks – go ahead and explore those bubbly alternatives! 

Were can I find Bai Bubbles in stores

Hey there, for all you Bai Bubbles enthusiasts, hope’s still on the horizon! If you’re on the hunt, check out these spots where you might stumble upon your fizzy fix:

First up, Target’s got your back. You can stroll right into their stores and spot those Bai Bubbles, or if you’re feeling the extra chill, you can snag ’em online and have them delivered straight to your door on the same day. Talk about convenience, right?

Walgreens is in on the action too. Swing by their stores to find those elusive Bai Bubbles, or if you’re in a hurry, place an online order for pickup or even same-day delivery. That’s the modern way to soda shop, my friends.

Albertsons joins the party as well. Pop into their stores for a chance to grab some Bai Bubbles, or hit up the digital highway and order them online for a smooth pickup or even delivery. 

Now, don’t stop there – other stores are in the game too. Keep your eyes peeled for Safeway, Andronico’s Community Markets, Lucky Supermarkets, Smart & Final, Mill Valley Market, and Lunardi’s. But I’ve got to keep it real with you – with the whispers of Bai Bubbles being a bit hard to come by these days; it’s a bit of a treasure hunt.

So there you have it, folks. While the Bai Bubbles saga might be taking a twist, some brave places still have those elusive cans waiting for you. Happy soda hunting! 

What was the reason for Bai Bubbles being discontinued?

Let’s dive into the mystery behind the Bai Bubbles disappearing act. Now, brace yourselves because the scoop on why Bai Bubbles are waving goodbye is still open. We’re talking top-secret stuff here, folks.

Sure, the whispers in the wind suggest many reasons behind the curtain call. Bai Brands, the mastermind behind these bubbly delights, even tweeted that it spilt the beans – no more Bai Bubbles on the production line. The curtain’s dropped folks.

The real-deal reasons? Now that’s where things get hazy. It’s like trying to figure out who ate the last slice of pizza at a party – we’re left with more questions than answers. Maybe it’s the demand or those sneaky production costs pulling the strings. Or perhaps, the company’s sights are set on newer horizons and different products. 

Sadly, our search results aren’t spilling the full tea on the exact whys and hows. So, as much as we’d love to give you the ultimate scoop, it looks like the Bai Bubbles enigma remains unsolved. But chin up – who knows what new, exciting sips Bai Brands might have next? 

Is there any official statement from Bai on why they discontinued Bai Bubbles

 Here’s the scoop: Bai Brands, those taste innovators, left us hanging without an official memo on why they pulled the plug on Bai Bubbles. No grand reveal, folks.

But hold onto your fizz because back in 2018, a tweet dropped like a soda can in the desert – Bai Brands declared they were giving Bai Bubbles the ol’ heave-ho. A Twitter announcement – modern times, right?

When it comes to the nitty-gritty details, it’s like peering into a soda machine’s coin slot – dimly lit and a bit unclear. Why? Well, the rumour mill is spinning with possibilities. It could be that the demand didn’t bubble up how they hoped. Or maybe the dollars and cents of production costs played a sneaky role. And hey, let’s not forget the classic shift-in-focus possibility – the company might be eyeing new shores.

Unfortunately, despite all our web-searching prowess, the blueprint of why Bai Bubbles went poof remains locked in the vault. A mystery wrapped in bubbles, if you will. Chin up – with a little soda magic, who knows what the future holds for Bai Brands and their next bubbly creation? 

Are there any plans for Bai to bring back Bai Bubbles in the future

According to what we’ve dug up, the crystal ball on Bai Brands’ plans for resurrecting Bai Bubbles is murky. A tweet from 2018 split the beans that Bai Brands was waving goodbye to Bai Bubbles – no more fizz.

Now, when it comes to recent info or an official shout-out from Bai Brands about a Bai Bubbles comeback, we’re hitting a dry spell. Our search results are drawing blanks on any plans they might have. It’s like a soda pop hiatus with no clear end date.

Remember, the tea leaves were sippin’ don’t offer a sneak peek into Bai Brands’ plans for Bai Bubbles. So, whether Bai Bubbles will make a triumphant return or quietly stay in the soda archives remains uncertain. 

Are there any other Bai products that have been discontinued in the past

You’re right; changes in the beverage world happen more often than we might think. Here’s a rundown of some discontinued Bai products that our search results split the beans on:

Once upon a time, in the land of 2012, Bai Brands waved goodbye to its original line of drinks, choosing to embrace the magic of Bai5 instead. It’s like a soda evolution, folks.

And then there’s the tale of Bai Black Jambi Ginger Ale – a flavour that danced onto the stage but eventually bowed out. Amazon reviews have been dropping hints that this flavour took its final sip.

It’s crucial to remember that our search is just a tiny sip from the ocean of information out there. So, while we’ve got these tidbits about past Bai products heading off into the sunset, we could have missed more stories.

Was there any backlash from customers when Bai Bubbles was discontinued

The soda world can be passionate, and when beloved flavours like Bai Bubbles get the curtain call, emotions can bubble over. Here’s what the online chatter’s telling us:

Social media turned into a stage for some frustrated folks. Twitter and Reddit were abuzz with expressions of disappointment and even a touch of frustration when word got out about Bai Bubbles’ departure. People had their sips set on those bubbly delights.

Talk about a soda scavenger hunt! After Bai Bubbles bowed out, the trail seemed cold for many. Finding those cans in stores or online became a game of hide-and-seek, with a dash of sticker shock from overpriced packs making their way onto Amazon.

And then there’s the unfortunate saga of damaged and expired deliveries. The limited supply made the journey rough for some, damaging goods hitting people’s doorsteps.

But remember, our search results are just a taste of the bigger picture. While some folks might’ve voiced their disappointment and struggled to find their fizzy fix, there are countless stories in the soda universe. It’s all part of the ever-bubbling saga of discontinued favorites. 

Is Lipton Instant Tea Discontinued: where you buy it in 2023? 

Is Lipton Instant Tea discontinued? Hey, have you heard the buzz about Lipton Instant Tea? There’s been some chatter about whether it’s discontinued or not. So, let’s clear things up!

Is Lipton Instant Tea discontinued, or is it just a rumor? We’ll dive into the juicy details and uncover the truth behind this hot topic. People have been talking, but we’re here to get to the bottom of it!

This article’ll address all the rumors and speculation surrounding Lipton Instant Tea’s discontinuation. We’ll leave no stone unturned and provide you with the most up-to-date information. So, get ready because we’re about to spill the tea on Lipton Instant Tea and find out if it’s still available for your sipping pleasure.

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

Has Lipton Instant Tea been discontinued?

Hey, good news! So, according to the search results, there needs to be solid evidence that Lipton Instant Tea has been discontinued. But hold up, and there’s a little twist!

Some folks say they’ve noticed a Lipton instant tea mix shortage in local supermarkets. But here’s the thing, it could be a temporary hiccup in the supply chain, or it’s about specific product variations that aren’t widely available right now. You know how these things go sometimes!

To get the real scoop, it’s best to check with local retailers or, better yet, reach out to Lipton directly. They’ll have the most up-to-date info on the availability of their instant tea products.

So, keep your tea cravings in check and stay in the loop about Lipton Instant Tea. It might still be enjoyable, but some detective work will lead you to the truth. 

Where can I find Lipton Instant Tea?

You’re in luck! If you’re hunting for some Lipton Instant Tea, you’ve got plenty of options. Check these out:

Menards is one spot where you can find Lipton Unsweetened Iced Tea Mix in a 3 oz pack. Perfect for a refreshing drink!

Amazon has your back, too, with Lipton Unsweetened Decaffeinated Instant Tea Mix. You can whip up 30 quarts of tea with this one. Talk about a tea party!

Walmart is another great option. They carry Lipton Unsweetened Iced Tea Mix, so you can stock up and sip away!

For all lemon tea lovers, Target has something special for you. They’ve got Lipton Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea Mix in a 50.3 oz pack. Sweet and tangy goodness in a glass!

But remember, availability might vary, so it’s always wise to check with your local retailers. And as we mentioned earlier, there have been reports of a shortage of Lipton instant tea mix in some local supermarkets, so keep that in mind while you’re on the tea hunt.

So, there you have it! Lipton Instant Tea is ready to quench your thirst whether you prefer in-store shopping or online browsing. 

Is Lipton instant tea discontinued list

You’re right! Some variations of Lipton instant tea have indeed been discontinued. Here’s the list of those discontinued products:

  • Lipton Tea, Reg, Lipton, 100 / Box
  • Lipton Tea To Go in Peach flavor

So, if you were a fan of those specific variations, it’s unfortunate that they are no longer available.

However, don’t worry! Lipton still has other instant tea products, like their Lipton Unsweetened Decaffeinated Instant Tea Mix. So, there are still options and enjoy your favorite Lipton tea.

And hey, there have been reports of a Lipton instant tea mix shortage in some local supermarkets. Demand has been high, or other factors might be causing this. But keep hope!

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the availability of Lipton instant tea products, it’s best to check with local retailers or reach out to Lipton directly.

When was Lipton Instant Tea discontinued?

There needs to be a clear indication in the search results of when Lipton Instant Tea was discontinued. However, there have been reports about specific Lipton instant tea products being discontinued, like the “Lipton Tea, Reg, Lipton, 100 / Box” and the “Lipton Tea To Go” in Peach flavor. So, those particular variations are no longer available.

But fret not; Lipton still has other instant tea products in their lineup, such as the “Lipton Unsweetened Decaffeinated Instant Tea Mix.” So, exploring and enjoying your favorite Lipton tea flavors is still available.

It’s essential to remember that product availability might vary, and some local supermarkets have reported a shortage of Lipton instant tea mix. But don’t worry, tea lovers, there’s still hope!

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the availability of Lipton instant tea products, it’s best to check with local retailers or reach out to Lipton directly. That way, you can be sure to get your hands on your preferred tea delights.

Are there any plans to bring back Lipton Instant Tea

 So, based on what we found in the search results, there needs to be solid evidence of Lipton Instant Tea making a comeback anytime soon. Bummer, right?

But keep hope! Lipton has been keeping things fresh with some new introductions, like the exciting “Lipton Hard Iced Tea.” Now that sounds intriguing!

Here’s the deal – if you’re eager to know about the future of Lipton Instant Tea, it’s best to stay in the loop. Keep an eye out for updates from Lipton, or check with your local retailers for the latest scoop.

Lipton might surprise us with some remarkable developments down the line. Until then, you can explore their new products and enjoy a refreshing Lipton Hard Iced Tea sip.

Why was Lipton Instant Tea discontinued?

There needs to be an apparent reason why Lipton Instant Tea was discontinued overall. But wait, there’s more!

Some specific Lipton instant tea products, like the “Lipton Tea, Reg, Lipton, 100 / Box” and “Lipton Tea To Go” in Peach flavor, have been discontinued. These changes could have been made because they weren’t flying off the shelves or due to some business decisions. You know how it goes!

And hey, there’ve been reports of a Lipton instant tea mix shortage in some local supermarkets. That could be because of supply chain issues or other factors playing a part.

But don’t worry; there’s still plenty of tea to sip! Lipton’s has other exciting offerings, like their new “Lipton Hard Iced Tea.” So, there’s always something fresh to try.

To get the full tea scoop, it’s best to check with local retailers or contact Lipton directly. That way, you’ll get the most up-to-date info on their products and any reasons behind specific discontinuations.

Are there any similar products to Lipton Instant Tea still available

You’re right! If you’re a Lipton Instant Tea fan and looking for similar options, there are plenty of choices to satisfy your tea cravings. Check these out:

Lipton Unsweetened Iced Tea Mix: Stick to the classics with Lipton’s unsweetened decaffeinated black iced tea. A timeless favorite!

TEAKi Hut Instant Black Tea Powder: This unsweetened black tea powder is super convenient and quick to make. Perfect for those on-the-go tea moments!

Waka Coffee Quality Instant Tea: Get a taste of quality with their instant Kenyan black tea—a delightful option for black tea enthusiasts.

Kiss Me Organics Matcha Green Tea Powder: If you’re into matcha green tea, this instant tea powder will be your new go-to. Matcha goodness in a snap!

Purisure All-Natural Instant Tea: Enjoy the rich flavor of black iced tea instantly—a refreshing choice for any tea lover.

Remember, availability may vary depending on your location and the retailer. To find these similar instant tea products, checking with local stores or exploring online retailers is a good idea.

Belle Meade Bourbon discontinued: Is this hard to find in 2023?

Is Belle Meade Bourbon discontinued? One of the most popular bourbons, Belle Meade, is being discontinued. There has been a mad rush to find smooth, delectable bourbon bottles due to the shocking news.

Due to the use of Tennessee limestone-filtered water and a specific yeast strain, Belle Meade is renowned for its distinctive flavor character. The whisky is matured in fresh, charred American white oak barrels for at least nine years. Although no official statement has been made, it is assumed that Sazerac, the distillery’s new owners, decided to drop Belle Meade. Sazerac has not addressed the rumors.

Belle Meade’s return to the market is expected to excite bourbon fans. But for now, they’ll have to enjoy it while they can. Let us know more about it in this article.

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

History of the brand

Belle Meade is a brand that Charles Nelson once brought back to life. It happened after a fire destroyed the original producers. Then, it was lost with the onset of Prohibition until Charlie and Andy Nelson brought it back in 2012. Now, it is going to be discontinued and marketed nationally. The product will no longer be distributed nationally and only be offered in Tennessee.

The Nelson brothers started to develop their brand to resurrect their great-great grandfather’s wheat Tennessee whisky. They used an almost mirror image of the original Belle Meade emblem discovered in an old newspaper poster from May 1, 1885. It was to bring the company back to life.

The distillate for this brand came from Midwest Grain Products (MGP). It occasionally incorporated other finishes in barrels, like Cognac, sherry, and honey. The history of the Nelson family is directly related to the Belle Meade brand.

The Belle Meade Distillery in Nashville, Tennessee, manufactured the bourbon under the name Belle Meade. Sperry Wade and Company owned it. Charles Nelson’s Green Brier distillery didn’t make Belle Meade, but Sperry Wade hired him to market it on their behalf. All that changed in 1880 when Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery took over production after the Belle Meade Distillery burned down.

Two horses were shown on the label. One of them was Bonnie Scotland, a thoroughbred with Northern Dancer ancestry.

A newer bourbon brand, Belle Meade Bourbon, was introduced in 2013. At first glance, it seems innovative. As you may know, Belle Meade is a legendary whisky brand that was last sold in 1909 and used to be produced in Tennessee.

In 2013, Andy and Charlie Nelson founded Nelson’s Green Brier. It was created to produce award-winning craft Tennessee whisky under the Belle MeadeTM Bourbon brand. Later this year, the distillery will make Tennessee whisky available.

Belle Meade Bourbon: Is it Allocated?

Yes, Belle Meade whisky has a limited supply. It implies that it is not always available for sale. Thus, there might be restrictions on how much can be bought when a distillery releases a small quantity of a product, usually because there is a high demand but a small supply; this is known as an allocation.

It is a Belle Meade-created blend with a high rye content intended to create a versatile Bourbon. It is outstanding whether served neat, with a splash of water, or on the rocks. It shines when served neat, in addition to being impressive in a well-made cocktail. It has a unique combination of yeast strains and mash bills. The wine should never be chilled and fried.

Small-batch Belle Meade Bourbon Barrel Select is produced from MGP barrels that are 6–8 years old. The 12- to 15-year-old barrels used in MGP’s flagship bourbon, Belle Meade Bourbon County Brand, were combined. Bottle sizes for Belle Meade Bourbon are 750 ml and 375 ml.

Replacement for Belle Meade

Nelson Brothers Whisky, which comes in “Classic” and “Reserve” lines, will take the position of Belle Meade in the national market.

The classic line will be created with a high rye-to-bourbon mash bill and matured in brand-new charred oak barrels. It will be 93.3 proof (46.65% alcohol by volume).

According to the distillery, cherry, milk chocolate, candied apples, spice cake, and vanilla may be detected on the nose. With the addition of banana bread and dried pineapple, the aroma of chocolate and cherries will also linger. It is said to end with spearmint replacing high rye, lemon peel, tobacco, and black peppercorn.

The “Reserve” will offer a stronger option with a proof of 107.8 (53.9% alcohol by volume). According to the distillery, the nose will have cherry, mint, maple syrup, and cinnamon notes. The cherry will stick around the palate along with caramel, hazelnut, and allspice. With cherry, chocolate, and more allspice, the aftertaste is earthy.

The names of the Nelson brothers will appear on the new packaging. Thus, it is drawing attention to the Nelson name and its history. According to reports, the substance inside is still the same batch of bourbon previously sold under the Belle Meade name.

It is unknown if the company will continue to sell finished goods or individual barrels of their Belle Meade substitute in this new line.

This modification will give Green Brier more attention than Belle Meade, a different brand. The Belle Meade brand is available on a different website than the distillery’s products. The corporation will be able to consolidate due to this. The Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery website already has information about the upcoming Nelson Brothers Whisky.


Belle Meade has a sizable fan base, so as the company starts to roll out its new range, it is anticipated that the inventory that is still on the shelves will start to go.

Belle Meade will remain accessible but in a much more constrained market. It will only be offered in the Tennessee market rather than being offered nationally. These are all making it more difficult for brand fans to get it.

Is Dr Pepper Being Discontinued – Is there any new flavor?

Hey there, folks! If you’re like us and can’t imagine a world without Dr Pepper’s fizzy, flavorful goodness, We’ve some fantastic news for you: our beloved beverage is here to stay! That’s right, no need to panic or shed a tear in your soda glass because Dr. Pepper is NOT being discontinued.

Can you imagine a universe where Dr Pepper isn’t on the shelves? It’s like a world without sunshine or a beach without waves. It just wouldn’t be right! But luckily, we can all breathe a sigh of relief because the rumors about Dr Pepper disappearing are as false as a three-dollar bill.

We don’t know about you, but Dr Pepper is our go-to drink whenever we need a little pick-me-up or a refreshing sip of joy. It’s got that unique taste that tingles your taste buds and leaves you wanting more. And remember those sweet, sweet bubbles that tickle your nose like a playful puppy.

So, my friends, you can rest assured that Dr Pepper will continue to grace our fridges, coolers, and vending machines for years. We can keep enjoying that delightful blend of 23 flavors that make our taste buds dance with happiness. Remember, when life throws you lemons, grab a can of Dr Pepper and turn it into a party!

In conclusion, folks, fear not! Dr Pepper isn’t going anywhere. So go ahead, crack open a can, sit back, and savor the liquid magic that is Dr Pepper. It’s a world of flavor here to stay, and we couldn’t be happier about it. Cheers to Dr Pepper, the true elixir of life!

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

Is dr pepper being discontinued in 2023?

Is Dr Pepper Being Discontinued - Is there any new flavor?

Hold your horses, folks! The question on everyone’s lips is whether Dr Pepper is bidding us farewell in 2023. Let us tell you, and it’s a head-scratcher. Some sources say that certain versions of Dr Pepper are getting the boot. You heard us right; they’re pulling the plug on some of those fancy flavors. But here’s the kicker: they need to be spilling the beans on whether the OG Dr Pepper is getting the axe.

We snooped around, and Diet Dr Pepper might be playing hard to get. There needs to be more diet stuff due to folks going gaga over diet sodas. Can you believe it? We can’t get enough of those low-calorie fizzes! But fear not, my diet soda-loving pals, because it’s not all doom and gloom. While there might be a shortage, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re kickin’ Diet Dr Pepper to the curb.

Now, listen up because this is important. Rumors have been flying around like crazy in the past about Dr Pepper’s demise. Remember in 2016 when some jokers spread the word that Coca-Cola was taking over Dr Pepper and shutting down production? Well, guess what? It was all a load of hogwash! Those rumors had no legs to stand on.

What are the sources of the rumors about Dr Pepper?

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, folks. Things get fuzzy when it comes to the sources of those pesky rumors about Dr Pepper getting the boot in 2023. We need help putting our finger on where exactly these rumors sprouted from. Rumors have a way of spreading like wildfire.

Here’s the scoop: back in 2016, some pranksters cooked up a wild hoax. They claimed Coca-Cola had swooped in and snatched up Dr Pepper, with plans to shut down production faster than a jackrabbit on a sugar rush. Can you believe the nerve of those rumor-mongers? Turns out, it was all a bunch of hogwash. No truth to it whatsoever.

Now, fast forward to today. A few articles that mention a shortage of Dr. Pepper are floating around, but they need to give us the straight dope on whether the original flavor is getting the ax in 2023. We’re talkin’ shortages, not discontinuations. It’s like trying to catch a greased pig at the county fair – slippery and hard to pin down.

Let’s be clear, though. We have yet to hear a peep from Dr Pepper or its parent company, Keurig Dr Pepper, about waving goodbye to our beloved fizzy elixir in 2023. No official statements have been made, my friends.

So, until we have concrete evidence, let’s take those rumors with a grain of salt. Keep poppin’ open those cans of Dr Pepper and savoring that sweet, bubbly goodness. As for the rumors? Well, they can fizzle out like a deflated balloon. Cheers, folks, and may Dr Pepper continue to tickle our taste buds for years!

Is dr pepper still being made?

Despite all those rumors flyin’ around in the past, Dr Pepper is standing tall and not going anywhere anytime soon. Remember that silly 2016 hoax claiming Coca-Cola was taking over and shutting down Dr Pepper? Well, it was nothing but a load of nonsense.

Sure, there might be some discontinued versions of Dr Pepper, like that of Dr Pepper Cherry Vanilla Diet. But fear not, my friends, because the original Dr Pepper flavor is still going strong. It’s like a trusty friend that’s always there to quench your thirst and put a smile on your face.

Now, let’s talk about those shortage rumors. Yeah, some articles mentionin’ shortages of Dr Pepper, but they need to give us the full picture. They’re mum on whether the original flavor is gettin’ the boot. So until we hear otherwise, let’s keep crackin’ open those cans and enjoyin’ the taste that’s been bringin’ us joy for years.

How did the Dr Pepper company respond to the rumors of discontinuation?

So, we’ve been digging deep to find out how the Dr Pepper company responded to those pesky rumors about discontinuation. Here’s what we found: when faced with the 2016 hoax that claimed Coca-Cola was takin’ over and shuttin’ down Dr Pepper production, the good folks at Dr Pepper wasted no time setting the record straight.

They took to social media faster than a cheetah on Red Bull and clarified that the rumors were nonsense. They straight-up said, “Hey, folks, these rumors are false. Dr Pepper is here to stay!” Talk about clearin’ the air like a summer breeze.

But here’s the thing, my fizzy friends: we couldn’t find any specific information on how the Dr Pepper company has responded to the recent rumors of discontinuation in 2023. It’s like tryin’ to find a needle in a haystack. But fear not because we’ll keep our ears and taste buds ready for any official statements from Dr Pepper.

Impact of the rumors about Dr. Pepper’s discontinuation

Let’s look at the impact of those rumors on Dr. Pepper’s sales and reputation. Here’s the thing: there needs to be clear evidence that the original Dr Pepper flavor is getting the boot in 2023. But we can’t ignore the fact that there have been some rumblings in the past.

Remember that 2016 hoax where folks claimed Coca-Cola was taking over Dr Pepper and shutting it down? Let me tell you, that kind of news can make even the most loyal Dr Pepper fans a tad uneasy. But fear not, my friends! Dr Pepper wasted no time in jumpin’ into action. They took to social media like a superhero and reassured everyone that the rumors were about as real as a unicorn sippin’ a soda. Crisis averted!

Now, let’s talk about the 2020 shortage. An article on Business Insider mentioned some Dr Pepper items going MIA, causing a bit of panic among fans. But here’s the deal: none of those missing items were actually being discontinued. Phew! So, while some folks may have rushed to stock up on Dr Pepper during the shortage, the brand’s reputation seems intact.

When it comes to the impact on sales and reputation, it’s tricky to pin down. The rumors may have caused a stir and some initial concern, but it seems like Dr Pepper’s sales and reputation have weathered the storm. 

Discontinued Dr Pepper drinks 

Oh, boy, let us tell you about some discontinued Dr Pepper drinks that had their moment in the sun but didn’t quite make the cut. Here are a few examples:

First, we have Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream, a flavor that hit the scene in 2006 with dreams of becoming a permanent member of the Dr Pepper family. But alas, poor sales forced it into early retirement after less than a year. Tough break, Berries & Cream.

Next on the list is Dr Pepper Red Fusion, a cherry-flavored, red-colored variety that made history as the first new flavor in Dr Pepper’s 122-year existence. Sounds fancy. It turns out it was a financial flop, and its production was practically canceled before it even got comfy in the soda aisle.

We can always remember Dr Pepper Vanilla Float, a flavor that aims to capture the creamy goodness of a vanilla ice cream float. It had its run from 2014 to 2018, but sadly, low sales ended it. Sometimes even the sweetest dreams fizzle out.

Oh, and there was another one called Dr Pepper Berries and Cream, separate from the first one I mentioned. It had that berry cream vibe and debuted in 2006, but again, poor sales led to its untimely departure.

Lastly, we have Dublin Dr Pepper, a special version of Dr Pepper produced for a whopping 121 years at a bottling plant in Dublin, Texas. This unique drink always uses pure cane sugar instead of that high-fructose corn syrup. Sadly 2012, it was forced to bid farewell to Dr Pepper production. End of an era, my friends.

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Ruby Red Squirt Soda Discontinued – where to buy in 2023?

Is Ruby Red Squirt Soda discontinued? Hey there, soda lovers! I’ve got some downright disappointing news to share with you today. Brace yourselves and hold onto your fizzy cravings because our beloved Ruby Red Squirt soda has gone down the drain. Yep, you heard me right – discontinued! Poof, just like that!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How could they do this to us? It’s like having the rug pulled out from under our soda-craving feet. I mean, Ruby Red Squirt was the bomb! It had that perfect balance of sweet and tangy, hitting our taste buds with citrusy goodness. It was like a party in your mouth, and now it’s all gone.

This news might sting like a bee for all you die-hard Ruby Red Squirt fans out there. It’s a tough pill or a tough sip to gulp down. We’ve lost our go-to thirst quencher, our trusty sidekick during hot summer days and movie nights.

Chin up! It’s not the end of the world. We’ve faced soda setbacks before, and we’ve bounced back stronger. Who knows, maybe this is just a hiccup, and Ruby Red Squirt will make a comeback, shining brighter than ever. Until then, let’s hold onto the memories we’ve shared with our bubbly red friend and keep our fingers crossed for a miracle.

So long, Ruby Red Squirt! You’ll forever hold a special place in our soda-loving hearts.

DiscontinuedNews is impartial and independent, and every day, we create distinctive, world-class programs, news, and content that inform, educate and entertain millions of people worldwide.

Why was Ruby Red Squirt Soda discontinued?

Hey there, soda enthusiasts! We’ve got a bit of a mystery, and it’s all about that irresistible grapefruit goodness we call Ruby Red Squirt. The question on everyone’s lips is: has it been kicked to the curb, or is it still alive and kickin’? Confusion reigns supreme!

Some folks claim they’ve been on an Indiana Jones-style quest to find Ruby Red Squirt, only to come up empty-handed in their local stores. I tell you, it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack! On the other hand, a sneaky bunch has managed to track it down on the mystical land of Amazon. Talk about a soda scavenger hunt!

Now, here’s where things get tricky. A petition insists that Ruby Red Squirt has been given the old heave-ho. But hold your horses because a Reddit detective took matters into their own hands and emailed the bigwigs at Dr. Pepper/Snapple. And guess what? They got a response straight from the horse’s mouth (or, should I say, the soda’s mouth). According to them, Ruby Red Squirt lives on!

But wait, there’s more! According to a jaw-dropping article on Eat This, Not That!, Ruby Red Squirt is now considered a rare gem, practically extinct in the wild aisles of grocery stores. It’s like spotting a unicorn, folks!

But fear not, my soda-seeking comrades, for there is hope yet. Enter Brian Florence, soda hero extraordinaire from upstate New York. He’s made it his mission to find the holy grail of sodas, including the elusive Ruby Red Squirt, and he sells them on his website, What a legend!

So, as of June 2023, the Ruby Red Squirt conundrum continues. Is it gone for good or just hiding in plain sight? The soda saga unfolds, my friends, and we’ll be right here, waiting with bated breath for the next twist in this fizzy tale. Stay tuned!

Is ruby red squirt soda discontinued in 2023?

Let’s clear up the confusion surrounding the fate of Ruby Red Squirt in 2023. Get ready for a sip of soda truth!

Here’s the deal, folks. The status of Ruby Red Squirt’s existence is about as clear as mud. Some folks claim they’ve been on a wild goose chase, unable to find it in stores. It’s like searching for a lost sock in a sea of laundry, you know? But hold on to your fizz because there’s more to the story.

The grapefruit elixir has been spotted lurking in the depths of Amazon and certain grocery store chains. It’s like finding a hidden treasure on a desert island! So, while some stores may lack Ruby Red Squirt, others might have it waiting for you with open arms.

And here’s a twist for you – a brave Reddit user took it upon themselves to email the big shots at Dr. Pepper/Snapple. And guess what? They got a response straight from the horse’s mouth (or, should I say, the soda’s mouth). According to their reply, Ruby Red Squirt lives on! It’s like a soda miracle!

But wait, there’s more! One valiant Influenster reviewer mentioned that they hadn’t seen Ruby Red Squirt in 18 months. However, they stumbled upon it recently when they thought all hope was lost. It’s like a soda phoenix rising from the ashes!

So, my soda comrades, the answer to the great Ruby Red Squirt conundrum remains mysterious. It’s like trying to solve a riddle with a missing piece. But fear not! Keep your eyes peeled, try different stores, and who knows? You may stumble upon that tantalizing ruby elixir and taste its sweet, tangy glory again.

Why is Ruby Red Squirt so hard to find?

Alright, folks, let’s unravel the mystery behind this elusive Ruby Red Squirt. Why the heck is it playing hide-and-seek with us? Well, grab a seat and get ready for a wild soda ride!

First, not all grocery stores are on the Ruby Red Squirt train. Yep, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. So, depending on where you live, it might be as rare as a four-leaf clover. Bummer, right?

But wait, there’s more! The big question is whether Ruby Red Squirt got the boot. Some say it’s been discontinued but hold onto your fizz, my friends, because the plot thickens. There’s been quite the kerfuffle, with conflicting reports flying left and right. It’s like a rollercoaster of emotions!

Now, here’s the thing. Ruby Red Squirt has quite the fan club. People go bonkers for its zesty grapefruit flavor, and I don’t blame them! But here’s the catch – high demand plus limited availability equals trouble. It’s like trying to catch a shooting star, you know? The struggle is real, my soda aficionados.

And here’s where things get interesting. Ruby Red Squirt seems to have a soft spot for specific regions or states. Yeah, it plays favorites! Some lucky devils have spotted it in certain areas, while others are left high and dry. Talk about soda discrimination!

So, summing it up, Ruby Red Squirt’s mysterious disappearance can be chalked up to limited availability, potential discontinuation, insane demand, and its sneaky habit of showing up in some places but ghosting others. It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube, only stickier.

Keep hope! Keep your eyes peeled, scour the corners of the internet, and who knows? One day, when you least expect it, you’ll stumble upon that precious, fizzy grapefruit nectar. 

Where can I find Ruby Red Squirt?

Alright, my determined soda hunters, it’s time to track down that elusive Ruby Red Squirt! Sure, it may play hide-and-seek in stores, but fear not, for I’ve got some insider info on where to find this grapefruit gem. Get ready to quench your thirst!

The first stop on our soda safari is the mighty Amazon. Yep, that online shopping jungle has got your back. They’ve got Ruby Red Squirt in all its fizzy glory, from 12-pack cans to 2-liter bottles. It’s like a soda wonderland delivered right to your doorstep!

But wait, there’s more! Head on over to Walmart, and you might strike gold. They’ve got Squirt Ruby Red in 20-ounce bottles, ready to quench your thirst on the go. Talk about convenience!

Next up, make a beeline for Kroger. These savvy folks know what’s up. You can find Squirt Ruby Red in 12-pack cans to stock up and keep that grapefruit goodness flowing.

And remember Hy-Vee! These heroes of the soda aisle have got your back. Swing by, and you’ll find Squirt Ruby Red in 12-pack cans, just waiting to make your taste buds sing.

Now, if all else fails and you’re on a mission to find those hard-to-get sodas, there’s a hero among us. Brian Florence, the soda whisperer from upstate New York, runs He’s got a knack for finding the unfindable, including Ruby Red Squirt. Check out his website and prepare to snag that elusive bottle of bubbly goodness.

So, my friends, if the store shelves in your area are soda-deprived, fear not! With the power of the internet, you can order Ruby Red Squirt online and have it delivered straight to your doorstep. 

Is Ruby Red Squirt available in any specific regions or states?

We’ve got Hy-Vee, the superhero of the Midwest region. These folks know how to quench your thirst because they carry Squirt Ruby Red in 12-pack cans. It’s like a grapefruit extravaganza right in the heart of the Midwest!

Now, let’s head to the Northeast, where Acme Markets takes the spotlight. These savvy folks also stock Squirt Ruby Red in 12-pack cans. So, if you’re wandering around the land of cheesesteaks and clam chowder, keep your eyes peeled for that tantalizing red goodness.

And here’s a little gem I discovered., a Texas-based website, knows something about satisfying soda cravings. They’ve got Squirt Ruby Red in cans, hinting that it might be more widely available in Texas. Yeehaw!

But here’s the catch, my fellow soda seekers. It’s a bit of a foggy mystery whether Ruby Red Squirt truly favors specific regions or states. The evidence suggests it might be more popular in certain areas, but the full picture remains blurry, like a shaken soda bottle.

So, if you’re struggling to find Ruby Red Squirt in your neck of the woods, don’t despair just yet. It might be worth contacting grocery stores in other regions or giving online ordering a whirl. After all, a soda adventurer like you should never give up on the quest for that citrusy elixir.

In the end, my soda-sipping companions, the regional availability of Ruby Red Squirt remains a bit of a puzzle. But fear not, for with a bit of perseverance and a sprinkle of luck, you might stumble upon that sweet nectar of grapefruit goodness. Keep exploring, and may your Ruby Red Squirt dreams come true!

Ruby Red Squirt Soda discontinued the list

Let’s cut to the chase and address the Ruby Red Squirt Soda discontinuation rumors. Here’s the rundown:

An Influenster reviewer found Ruby Red Squirt after an 18-month absence, hinting that it might not be discontinued. Good news, right?

And check this out! You can still get your hands on Ruby Red Squirt at and They’re keeping the dream alive, so maybe it must still be curtains for our beloved grapefruit fizz.

Now, hold your fizz for a second. An article on Eat This, Not That! Claims that Ruby Red Squirt has become a rare find on store shelves, but it doesn’t flat-out say it’s been discontinued. Sneaky, right?

But wait, there’s a catch. A website called claims it’s game over for Ruby Red Squirt. However, we need to find out how trustworthy this source is. It’s like reading gossip from a sleazy tabloid.

Distilled Water Shortage 2023 – Where to buy it right now?

Is There A Shortage Of Distilled Water In The US In 2023? Yes, there is a shortage of Distilled Water in the US. Since the spread of COVID-19 globally, distilled water has been in huge demand and has become increasingly scarce. 

It is believed that consumers went to the grocery stores and found the aisle vacant, and the product was marked “out of stock.” 

Due to this shortage, people are scratching their heads but need help finding distilled water.

We know the pain you all are feeling can’t be explained. We are considering you all are shocked, confused, and anxious at the same time. It is like an apocalypse. 

We’ve learned that consumers are desperately finding distilled water at various stores, but distilled water is nowhere to be found. In searching for distilled water, people stroll through every store, including Walmart, Target, and plenty of stores, but it takes more work. 

Some went to various stores searching for distilled water. A couple went to 10 different stores in search of it. As a result, distilled water is not found, and every state, city, and store repeats the same scenario.

What Is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is the purest form of water that contains minerals and other substances. It is also free from harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria, and harsh chemicals. 

It is mostly used for medical and industrial purposes.

It is also used in several other mechanical systems, such as inverters, aquariums, steam irons, laboratory experiments, etc. It is used over tap water because it is an ultra-pure form of water and prevents contamination.

Who Buys Distilled Water Usually?

distilled water shortage 2023

Doctors/ Dentists:

Doctors use Distilled Water to sterilize equipment. Dentists use to rinse their mouth out while cleaning and in treatments. Dentists and doctors do not use tap water… 

Doctors are desperately searching for distilled water but cannot find them on the store shelves.

Distilled water is used instead of tap water in the hospitals for patients’ mouth cleaning and equipment cleaning due to the presence of unknown E.coli in the tap water. 

That’s why dentists and doctors use distilled water to avoid E.coli outbreaks and maintain patients’ health and safety.

In the Laboratories:

In laboratories, distilled water is also used for testing, cleaning purposes, experiments, testing, and several other applications. School and college laboratories use distilled water to perform experiments.

Surgeons/ Health Care Professionals/ Veterinarians:

In health care, distilled water is preferable over tap water for sanitizing and cleaning equipment and in-patient treatments. Health Care Professionals, Veterinarians, and Surgeons never use tap water; they always prefer distilled water.

In The Industries where Natural & Organic Products are Manufactured:

The product base in the industries must always be clean, and for this purpose, they need distilled water. 

In natural and Organic product manufacturing, distilled water is used as a base, such as a shampoo and soap distilled water is used as a base. 

The all-natural beauty manufacturer was believed to be short on distilled water a few months back. A manufacturer shared the experience by saying:

“I need 200 gallons of distilled water for the manufacturing process in the industries, but I found it nowhere. I am exhausted from going to almost every grocery store, but every time we find distilled water is out of stock. We need 200 gallons of distilled water every week for the manufacturing process.”

Distilled water is also demanded by families who usually prefer to drink distilled water over tap water:

Thousands of people prefer to drink distilled water over tap water. Because tap contains viruses, parasites, toxic heavy metals, bacteria, harsh chemicals, poisons, pesticides, gas, oil, radioactive particles, nitrates, and other bad things that affect people’s health. 

Most families drink distilled water to avoid these harmful organisms, chemicals, and metals. 

Moreover, many people use it for personal health conditions daily, including CPAP water distillers, Water distillers for humidifiers, or Oxygen concentrators.

Why Is There No Distilled Water In Stores In The US?

It is very hard to find Distilled Water in US stores because of high demand. Moreover, supply chain issues are also one of the major causes that led to a restricted shortage of distilled water in the US. 

It is believed that, since 2017, the distilled water shortage has been the issue but only in the local areas, and it was not a big deal at that time. 

Later, the shortage arises and becomes one of the major issues nationwide. During the Coronavirus pandemic, there was a huge demand for distilled water, which made this trend a national concern. 

Some Distilled water suppliers explained there is a shortage of distilled water because plastic bottles are also a major concern worldwide, and no plastic bottles are there to package distilled water.

In Short:

  • There is a huge demand for distilled water than before.
  • Supply chain issues
  • No Labor/ Labor shortages
  • Plastic is banned, so there is also a shortage of plastic bottles to package distilled water.

When Will The Distilled Water Shortage End?

The availability of distilled water has been in jeopardy since the spread of the coronavirus. 

Later, people thought the condition would improve, but no changes were seen. Omicron spread after a couple of years, and the availability of distilled water worsened.

We are still determining when this distilled water shortage will end in 2023, as no certain end date has been announced. 

Because there is no single cause for the shortage of distilled water, it depends on numerous factors, including demand alterations, production capacity, and other mitigating measures to address this issue.

Can Distilled Water Spoil?

No, Distilled Water can not spoil. You can store it for a long time; it will not go bad. It depends on your storage method; if you store distilled water properly, we are sure it will go smoothly. No contaminants will come in contact with distilled water.

Distilled water that is sold in the market comes with an expiry date. But if you store the water correctly, it can be used more, or you can expand its shelf life by storing it properly.

If you want to enhance its shelf life, you do not need any special instrument to store it. You must store packaged distilled water in the refrigerator or protect it from direct sunlight. Ensure to keep distilled water in a clean container.

One more question arises regarding the storage of distilled water “How long does it last?” If stored properly, you can extend its shelf life to 24 months. 

But it is recommended that, if you are using distilled water for drinking purposes, try to use it until its expiry date.

Alternatives To Distilled Water

Natural disasters, higher demands, supply chain issues, and equipment failures temporarily led to distilled water shortages. But Distilled Water is heavily in demand, and plenty of things can only be prepared with it!! So what can you do?  

Here are a few alternative options for distilled water shortage. Let’s have a look at the following:

  • Purified Bottled Water
  • Filtered Water 
  • Spring Water
  • Boiled Water
  • Deionized Water
  • Distilled water DIY can also be a great option.

What To Do If You Are In Much Need Of Distilled Water?

If you are in much need of distilled water but cannot find it anywhere else. Then what will you do? You can make distilled water at home. Distilled water preparation at home is the best way to overcome its shortage.

A question arises, how to prepare distilled water at home:

Do you know? Making distilled water can be a lengthy process, but it is effortless. To make distilled water, you first need to get distillers. But if you do not have a distiller, then you can still perform distill water preparation at home: The step involves:


  • Tap Water
  • Large-sized pan/ pot
  • Curved Lid
  • Medium-sized pan/ pot (should be heat resistant)
  • Ice Cubes (for speeding up the process)
  • Muslin Cloth/ Coffee filter
  • Rubber Band


  • Place a large pan on the stove with seven to eight cups of water, and place a medium size pot float on top of the water in the large pan. 
  • Make sure there is constant airflow for this. There must be some vacant place around the sides of the medium size pot.
  • Now heat up to medium heat; take care while preparing distilled water because it does not require boiling. All you need to do is perform this process at simmering heat.
  • Ensure to cover the top of the large pan with the curved lid. A curved lid is preferable because the center of the lid should always be lower than the side part. Because water vapors collect in the lower part of the lid, and vapors condense and drop back into the medium pot. This way, you’ll be able to prepare distilled water.
  • If you want to speed up the process, put a bag of ice on the lid to boost the condensation process. For this, you must replace ice regularly to keep it cool.

Distilled Water Shortage 2023 – Summing Up

Regarding summing, we’ve concluded that Distilled Water has been short in supply nowadays since the spread of the coronavirus. And other pandemics, such as the spread of Omicron, enhanced the effect. 

Several factors are to be blamed for the shortages of Distilled Water. Increased demand, Post pandemic hygienic practices, industrial usage, complex distillation process, and unforeseen situations have been put in place to address the distilled water shortage issue.

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Why Was Sierra Mist Discontinued? – Where to buy in 2023?

Why was Sierra Mist discontinued? Goodbye Sierra Mist, Hello Starry!! As we have got to know, Sierra Mist has been discontinued. Sierra Mist was introduced by the company in 1999, and now after 24 years of evolution, this brand has gone away. Pepsi’s rival, Sierra Mist, is no more. 

People who love to buy a refreshing bottle of lemon-lime soda are up in arms because the company has decided to remove Sierra Mist from the store’s shelves. Not only has Sierra Mist been pulled off the store’s shelves, but also unavailable online. According to recent reports, it has been noted that people want to buy this product again, “demand for lemon-lime flavored soda has never been greater.”

All have loved Sierra Mist since its release, but it has been discontinued, and the chapter of Sierra Mist is now closed permanently.

If you want to know more about one of the most picked refreshing lemon-lime soda drinks, then you must go through this blog post!!

Let’s not wait much longer and get started!!

Why Was Sierra Mist Discontinued?

Do you know? Sierra Mist has been discontinued. This happened on January 8, 2023. After the end date, you can’t find this product on the store’s shelves. The discontinuation series has been continued since 1999 till its end date. But people want to know what is the reason behind Sierra Mist Discontinuation. Here in this section, we will walk you through some of the possible reasons that may help you to know the answer to this question “Why Was Sierra Mist Discontinued?”

Sierra Mist has been discontinued because of its low performance, and the sales could not meet the company’s sales target. Sierra Mist brought in around 1 billion US dollars. In contrast, the rival brand Sprite which the Coca-Cola Company owns, bought six times (6 billion US dollars) more profit than Sierra Mist in the US markets annually. 

Later, Pepsi decided to close this chapter of Sierra Mist by gaining more profit annually and becoming one of the most popular lemon-lime sodas across the country.

Sprite also acquired 8.3 percent of all soft drinks sold in America in 2021, making this drink the third best-selling soft drink in lemon-lime flavors worldwide.

To change the game, PepsiCo eliminated Sierra Mist.

Some are considering the company has rebranded the soda and replaced it with another name to attract more customers.

Sierra Mist Discontinued Products 

Here we have compiled Sierra Mist products together in a list. So, Let’s have a look at the products of Sierra Mist that the company has discontinued.

HFCS version, Sierra Mist (1999 – 2010, 2016 – 2023): Sierra Mist was lemon-lime soda with lemon and lime flavors replaced in August 2010 with Sierra Mist Natural; after its discontinuation, the product was available in the market. In 2013, the real name Sierra Mist gave.

Sierra Mist Zero Sugar (2000 – 2016, 2018 – 2023): This lemon-flavored drink contains zero sugar which means zero calories and original lemon flavors. Initially, this drink was known as Diet Sierra Mist and contained acesulfame potassium and sucralose in the drink as sweeteners.

Sierra Mist Free (2004 – 2008): Sierra Mist is another name for Diet Sierra Mist formerly.

Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash (2006 – 2016): This drink was made up of original flavor and sugar. When Cranberry Splash was launched, it was believed to be only available in the Winter season in specific places in North Carolina. Later, it was realized that its variant is available every season.

Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash (2006 – 2016): The Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash is the zero-calorie version of Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash, formulated with natural flavors and artificial sweeteners.

Sierra Mist Free Cranberry Splash (2007): It was not a new flavor but a temporary name for Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash.

Sierra Mist Lemon Squeeze (2007): Sierra Mist Lemon Squeeze is also one of the most chosen drinks because of an extra bit of lemon, which was introduced in May 2007. It was also available in a limited edition and only through September 2007.

Diet Sierra Mist Ruby Splash (2009 – 2011): This Sierra Mist is a zero-calorie drink with ruby grapefruit flavors. Also, it contains all-natural flavors along with artificial sweeteners.

Sierra Mist Free Undercover Orange (2008): Sierra Mist Undercover Orange has been upgraded with a healthy, zero-calorie version.

Sierra Mist Undercover Orange (2008): A limited stock of Sierra Mist Undercover Orange was launched with the film “Get Smart.” Everyone loved this flavor then, but the drawback was Sierra Mist Undercover Orange, available only in summer.

Sierra Mist Ruby Splash (2009 – 2010): Sierra Mist Ruby was the regular drink introduced in 2009, but it was discontinued after a year in 2010. It contained ruby grapefruit, and later, it released its diet version, which was also discontinued in 2011.

Sierra Mist (Real Sugar, 2010 – 2016, 2018 – 2023): Initially, it was known as Sierra Mist Natural; it was an original lemon-lime flavor soft drink that was made with natural lemon and lime with other natural ingredients along with real sugar that’s why it is named as Sierra Mist with real sugar.

Sierra Mist Strawberry Kiwi Splash (2012): This strawberry-kiwi-flavored soft drink was made with real sugar, natural flavors, and other ingredients.

Mist Twist (2016 – 2018): Mist Twst was a real lemon-lime soda that contained lemon and lime flavors with artificial sweeteners.

Mist Twst Cherry (2016 – 2018): Mist Twst Cherry was the new variant of Mist Twst with cherry flavor.

Mist Twst Cranberry: This soft drink was also discontinued in 2018 and introduced in 2016.

Diet Mist Twist Cranberry: It was the variant of Mist Twst, discontinued in 2018. 

How Sierra Mist Came Out?

Sierra Mist, the lemon-lime flavored soft drink, was released by PepsiCo in 1999. Then, By 2003, it was available across the United States markets. In 2016, Sierra Mist was named “Mist Twist” Later, in 2018, it regained its original name, i.e., Sierra Mist. In 2023, Sierra Mist was rebranded as Starry. 

It was rebranded in early 2023 to compete with the rival companies Sprite Brand and 7 Up; these brands come under Coca-Cola Company and Keurig Dr. Pepper, respectively. 

When Sierra Mist was introduced initially, it was sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup from 2000 to 2006. After that, from 2006 to 2010, Sierra Mist was started sweetened with only high-fructose corn syrup. 

Its ingredients include citric acid, natural flavors, carbonated water, potassium citrate, ascorbic acid, potassium benzoate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and calcium disodium EDTA. Sierra Mist is also offered its Diet Sierra Mist, sweetened with aspartame and acesulfame potassium.

Sweeteners have been cut down to make drinks calorie-free. Still, this reformulation proved unsuccessful because people found the taste of the newly formulated Sierra Mist unpleasant.

Key Points:

  • Owner: PepsiCo
  • Founded In: United States
  • Product Type: Lemon-Lime soft drink
  • Released On: May 7, 1999.
  • Discontinued/ Replaced On: January 8, 2023.
  • Website:
  • Brands: Teem Storm, Lemon-Lime Slice (predecessor), Starry (Successor)

What Is Replacing Sierra Mist?

Sierra Mist has been replaced with “Starry”; the new lemon-lime soda tastes almost similar to Sierra Mist. Suppose you want a bottle of refreshing soda that comes in fluorescent green and yellow packaging but have missed it. So you don’t need to worry anymore about it. 

As we all know, it is high time to say goodbye to Sierra Mist, but it doesn’t mean that no traces will be left in a soda aisle near you. We are saying so because Sierra Mist has gone, but the latest lemon-lime soda Starry came after Sierra Mist’s discontinuation.

We are sure you are still thinking, “What does Sierra Mist’s replacement taste like?”

Starry (the replacement lemon-lime soda) was believed to taste crisp and refreshing. 

It contains citric acid that gives higher citrus flavors and tastes similar to the natural fruit.

It contains no caffeine, and this lemon-lime soda can be easily available at your nearest grocery stores, or you can even buy them online from Amazon or several other websites.

Pepsi stated we had unveiled the new celestial-themed soda instead of Sierra Mist, revealing what people expected. Also, one of the representatives of Pepsi Co. stated. “higher citrus flavors that are true to the fruit and more aromatic which deliver a more balanced, cleaner, crisp finish than Sierra Mist.” they also said, “It delivers the refreshing and crisp flavor that has been especially people were seeking for in the bottle of lemon-lime refreshing soda ever,”

According to recent reports, it has been noted that “a most aggressive move made by the company’s reinvigorated beverage business in years.”

The Bottom Line

We’ve concluded that PepsiCo is pulling out all the stops, and Sierra Mist was discontinued on January 8, 2023. But traces are still there because that lemon-lime soda has been replaced with Starry, which tastes similar to Sierra Mist, or you can expect much more.

Is Hi Ball Energy Discontinued in 2023? – Where to buy it?

Is Hi Ball Energy Discontinued? Yes, it is confirmed by the Company that, Hi Ball Energy Drink is discontinuing. Hi, Ball is a perfect energy drink. You can kickstart your morning with this impeccable drink that can be used to sort out all your problems and keeps you refreshing all day long.

Besides, Hi Ball and all other canned drink brands, including Babe Wine, are also going away. The Company that acquired the Hi Ball brand two years ago decided to make a move that better focuses and clarifies its growth and development in the future for the long term.

On May 18, the Company stated in a Beer Business Daily Newsletter that the drastic change would happen this week. They awakened all the wholesalers and retailers and warned them to clear up their shelves by selling excess inventory of products.

We know you are desperate to know what exactly is happening.

So, In this blog, we delve into the status of Hi Ball Energy Drink. 

Let’s get started!! 

Anheuser Busch said we are planning to restructure and want to invest money in productive products and pull out the unproductive brands. 

Hi, Ball is a canned energy seltzer acquired by Anheuser Busch in 2017 and established in 2005. Hi, Ball is a refreshing and energizing drink. 

The Company promises that it contains zero sugar, organic caffeine, and zero calories. It is the thing that everyone should need to get to and get through it. 

Why Is Hi Ball Energy Discontinued?

Hi Ball Energy drink owner stated, “We are going to cease the production of Hi Ball Energy drink along with Babe wine because we wanted to shift our focus on the brands within a portfolio that will drive the company’s growth and help expand the business.”

Anheuser Busch is one of the well-known brands of alcohol that holds Budweiser, Bud Light, and Michelob Ultra. The Company launched various flavors and categorized them into low-alcohol and hard drink categories, which would drive the Company’s growth.

A few years ago, AB InBev was believed to have acquired multiple craft breweries similar to its rival Company, Molson Coors, but it does not mean that all of them worked out for the Company’s benefit. Craft breweries that the Company has purchased, including Hoop Tea and Cutwater Spirits (Canned Cocktail Brand), were not proven to be a good decision.

The Company had taken this step to tail off the other two unproductive brands, i.e., Hi Ball and Babe. It also represents Anheuser Busch doesn’t want to spend more money on these brands as they were not growing fast enough and could not drive the Company’s growth. 

So, they decided to cut down its production and invest its money in the large brands rather than the smaller ones.

AB InBev acquired Hi Ball Energy Brand from ZX Ventures two years ago. In 2019, AB InBev also acquired all the Babe Wine through the same organization.

The Company stated, “If we shift our focus on the company’s portfolio, we have decided to emphasize investments in those brands that will be proven to be long-term growth for the company and create value.” 

Also added, “In this year 2023, Mega brand portfolio is the main focus for the Company. And to do so, they are developing relationships with the newer companies to drive growth that can satisfy every customer’s needs and preferences.”

As this plan was about to be executed by the Company for years, something was there that pulled them back. 

Which Company Manufactures Hi Ball Energy Drink?

On July 20, 2017, the Hi Ball Energy Drink Brand was acquired by Anhueser-Busch InBev. In 2005, it was founded by Todd Berardi in San Francisco, United States.

Why Are Hi Ball Energy Drinks Considered The Best Over Other Drinks?

If we compare Hi Ball to other energy drinks, it stands out first as it contains 0 sugar, 0 calories, 0 sodium, and 160 mg of caffeine. 

While other drinks contain 56 g of sugar, 240 calories, 213 g of sodium, and 157 mg of caffeine, besides, It is available in a wide range of flavors, including, Grapefruit, Watermelon Mint, Wild Berry, Black Berry, Lemon Lime, Peach, and Vanilla.

It contains better ingredients: natural flavor, organic caffeine (160 mg organic caffeine, 50 mg organic guarana, 50 mg organic ginseng), carbonated purified water, organic panax ginseng extract, organic guarana extract, niacinamide (vitamin B3), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), d-calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6).

Additionally, Hi Ball Energy drinks are keto-friendly, gluten-free, and free from artificial sweeteners and preservations; no taurine is also considered.

However, Hi Ball is one of the best energy drinks ever. But it is not recommended for those consumers who are sensitive to caffeine and those women who are nursing or expecting a baby. 

Not recommendable for children under 18 also.

Can You Still Get Hi Ball Energy Drinks

After being discontinued by the manufacturers, you can still get Hi Ball Energy Drinks. We know you are wondering where to buy it.

Here is the answer to your question, Anheuser Busch has ceased the production of its two canned energy drinks, i.e., Hi Ball Energy Drink and Babe Wine. 

But you can find both discontinued brands at specific stores such as local liquor shops and Whole Foods Market. You will get these products if the stock is still available at the stores. 

These products can also be searched online for purchase, including Target and Amazon.

If you want to stay hydrated but, at the same time, you’re avoiding extra sugar and calories, then this Hi Ball could be your go-to beverage.

Wrapping Up

We’ve concluded that, Hi Ball is one of the top-selling brands in the United States. But, the Company ceased its production to shift its focus to the larger brands. To maintain the Company’s growth and development, this step is crucial.

Not only did AB InBev company make this step amid the supply chain issues, but the large food and beverage companies have also intensified their Company portfolios and have now stepped up to boost their production and margins. 

For instance: Coca-Cola stopped producing nonprofitable products and moved towards more profitable and highly demanded products that could prove to be a success for the Company; CocaCoca-Cola cut down Zico coconut water, Odwalla Juice, and Tab soda. 

While Danone switched to its organic dairy business (Horizon Organic and Wallaby), Nestle also switched to other products after selling its Chameleon Organic Coffee brand to a food and beverage brand, System Foods.