What Happened to Solarcaine? Is It Discontinued?

Is Solarcaine discontinued? Solarcaine is a popular first-aid spray containing lidocaine. It is widely used to relieve minor burns, wounds, and insect bites immediately. However, Solarcaine products have recently been the subject of recalls and warnings in Canada and the U.S., raising the question of whether Solarcaine has been discontinued permanently. In this article, we will examine the current state of Solarcaine and the causes of the recalls and warnings.

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Lidocaine in topical products

Lidocaine is the active ingredient in Solarcaine. It is a local anesthetic that numbs tissues in a particular area. It temporarily reduces pain from minor cuts, burns, and insect bites. However, we should be cautious when using it to prevent adverse effects.

The latest recalls and cautions highlight the importance of using lidocaine products as indicated. They mainly discuss avoiding over-application and applying it to sensitive regions such as damaged skin.

Lidocaine works by blocking nerve signals. Thus, misuse may affect normal bodily functioning, posing significant health hazards.

As customer knowledge of these issues rises, there will be a demand for more straightforward instructions and complex controls on lidocaine use. This assures the safety and efficacy of over-the-counter medicines such as Solarcaine.

This awareness could encourage producers to create safer formulations or alternate delivery methods. Thus, it can reduce the risks connected to topical anesthetics, leading to changes in pain relief products.

Solarcaine’s market status

solarcaine discontinued

Despite these recalls and warnings, Solarcaine has yet to be wholly discontinued. Instead, specific batches or forms of Solarcaine have been withdrawn or warned against due to particular concerns.

For example, only one batch was recalled in Canada due to labeling concerns. In the United States, the FDA’s warnings focus on the safe use of lidocaine-containing medicines rather than the complete discontinuation of Solarcaine.

Solarcaine products, notably Solarcaine Cool Aloe, are still available but under inquiry. The aim is to guarantee that the products meet regulatory requirements and are used safely. Solarcaine cool aloe, for example, is used to ease the discomfort and itching associated with minor burns, sunburns, and insect bites.

Health regulators are concerned about customers’ proper use of these products. They also ensure that the products on the market have proper labels and are safe to use.

Recent recall in Canada

In Canada, Health Canada has issued a recall for one lot of Solarcaine first aid 0.5% lidocaine spray, lot number 222780. The recall originated because the affected products may lack vital details on the exterior label.

They notably lack the drug identification number (DIN) and Canadian contact information. The DIN is important since it helps identify the medicine and ensures it satisfies Canadian regulations. Missing these details can make it harder for users to verify a product’s legitimacy and check it for safety issues.

FDA warnings in the United States:

In the United States, the FDA has issued various warnings regarding Solarcaine for burn relief and other topical pain relievers. On March 26, 2024, the FDA warned customers about certain over-the-counter (OTC) topical pain treatment medicines.

These products, including Solarcaine burn relief, may contain excessive levels of lidocaine. It will pose significant health hazards. When these medications are applied to vast areas of skin or broken skin, they may be absorbed more than desired. This can result in serious adverse effects such as an irregular heartbeat, seizures, and breathing issues.

The FDA has also stated that some of these items may be illegally advertised. Also, the agency still finds potentially dangerous products online and in stores. The FDA has warned customers to avoid OTC pain relievers containing more than 4% lidocaine and to avoid applying them to broad areas or sensitive skin.

Consequences for customers

The main point for customers is to take caution while using topical pain treatment medicines, notably those containing lidocaine. To ensure safety, you can take the following steps:

  1. Check Labels: Always check the labels for the correct drug identification number (DIN) and contact information. This helps verify the product’s authenticity.
  2. Avoid overuse: Do not apply lidocaine products to large areas of skin or to broken or irritated skin. This can increase the risk of severe side effects.
  3. Consult Healthcare Providers: If you have concerns about using a lidocaine product, consult your healthcare provider. They can guide safe use and alternatives if necessary.
  4. Report Issues: If you experience any adverse effects, report them to health authorities. In the U.S., you can report to the FDA. In Canada, you can report to Health Canada.
  5. Stay Updated: Monitor updates from health authorities like Health Canada and the FDA to ensure there are no recalls or warnings related to topical pain relief products.


To summarize, Solarcaine has not been wholly discontinued. However, specific batches have been recalled, and the FDA has issued warnings related to their safety. The recall in Canada and the FDA’s warnings highlight the need for correct labeling and safe use of lidocaine-containing topical pain treatment products.

Customers should be cautious about carefully reading labels, using items, and talking with healthcare specialists when in doubt. This will help them use these products correctly and safely and reduce the chance of side effects.

Stay educated and cautious to continue enjoying the benefits of items such as Solarcaine safely.