Fresca shortage

Do they still make Fresca Soda? | Black Cherry Fresca discontinued

Is there any Fresca shortage? The Coca-Cola Company created the citrus soft drink Fresca, which has grapefruit flavoring. It was first used in the United States in 1966 and is a fusion of the words Fresca (meaning “fresh”) from Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. A sugar-sweetened variety was introduced in several markets after the original sugar-free diet soda was bottled.

In its current version, Fresca is known as “Fresca Sparkling Soda Water,” It comes in four new flavors: grapefruit citrus, black cherry citrus, peach citrus and blackberry citrus. It is marketed as “The Original No Sugar, No Calorie Sparkling Beverage.”

Fresh is one of the popular beverages among people. The citrus flavoring of the soda gives another level of satisfaction to our throats and souls. “Fresca is a magical brand that, once people taste and experience it, fall in love with. It hits the sweet spot somewhere between a soda and flavored sparkling water”, said Ryan Hughes, associate brand manager, Sprite and Citrus Brands.

Recently, we have been going through a Fresca shortage. People can not find it in the stores as it is out of stock everywhere. The main reasons for the Fresca shortage are the shortage of aluminum cans and carbon dioxide. Companies are unable to get enough supply of aluminum to pack the Fresca.

The wave of shortages is the consequence of the pandemic. The corona period has shaken human lives from the core. It has become difficult for everyone, even companies, to catch up with time. Industries are lacking in catching up with the demand, which is why most products are short in supply.

Fresca shortage will be over soon

2020 will forever be known as “the great aluminum can shortage year” in the food business since it forced producers like Coca-Cola to reduce the production of various brands. One among them was Fresca, the soda drink with die-hard fans and followers.

There is some good news for the Fresca cult community. Coca-cola is now resuming Fresca production. The company cannot get aluminum for packaging, so it has shifted to plastic bottles to continue production for now. Using plastic bottles for packaging is not an ideal sustainable goal for Coca-cola, but it can be a better alternative until enough aluminum is available.

It made a statement when Fresca returned with a new size selection. The sparkling, sugar and calorie-free grapefruit soda water is now offered in a six-pack of 16.9-ounce plastic bottles. Ryan Hughes, the associate brand manager of Sprite and Citrus Brands, has something to say,

“Fresca hasn’t said anything to consumers since 2008, and our awareness with younger consumers is deficient”. “We felt it was time for a refresh after about a decade of silence.” “We realized we’re sitting on a potential goldmine,” Hughes added. 

“We want people, first and foremost, to enjoy the essence of Fresca – its refreshing, premium taste – which can’t truly be described until experienced first-hand,” Hughes explained.

The new artisanal style will also be used in point-of-sale advertising along with the targeted sampling in Millennial hotspots like co-working spaces and college campuses. For decades, Fresca has been the preferred cocktail mixer. It is now looking to collaborate with alcohol producers.

People weekends were ruined due to Fresca Shortage

All of us are suffering from shortages. Shortage of Fresca is a different kind of pain for Fresca fans. Fresca is like a daily beverage for most people. Their day is incomplete without drinking a can of chilled flavorful Fresca soda. But there is one story that overshadowed everything else on the internet.

Carson Daly, an American television host, posted about the Fresca shortage on Instagram. He asked, “Where on God’s green earth have you gone, Fresca?” “Anyone who knows me KNOWS that for more than a decade (back when If you played ‘dead or alive & someone offered the name ‘Fresca’ most would just yell, ‘DEAD! Fresca is dead!’) but I knew you were NOT dead. I knew you were alive. Very much alive in my glass. I drank you. A lot. Still do,” he wrote in what can only be described as a love letter to the soda. “Today I went to 4 different stores & you were gone. Vanished,” Carson wrote.

He went out for a weekend and said he could not survive without Fresca. This post got viral on the internet, and every Fresca fan felt the pain. Not only Carson, but many other people posted and commented online about not getting Fresca. People are unfortunate and hoping that this shortage will be over soon.

What options are there to fill the Fresca Void?

shortage shortage

Nothing can replace the amazing Fresca Soda, but we can not remain thirsty in its absence. People need to find a way out until the Fresca returns. Some other citrus-flavored sodas are available in the market. People have suggested some good alternatives to try out, and we are mentioning them below.

Most of these are combinations of lemon, lime and orange flavors. They’ll likely be missing the bitter flavor characteristic of grapefruit but will have the citrus punch.

  • Diet Sun Drop. A lesser-known competitor to 7up and Sprite. Sun Drop has been around for a long time in the South. Citrus flavor with caffeine. Sun Drop is available in cans on Amazon.
  • Diet Mello Yello. More of a competitor to Mountain Dew than Fresca. Mello Yello packs many citrus flavors and a ton of caffeine. Mello Yello is available in 20oz bottles on Amazon.
  • Diet Mountain Dew. Like Mello Yello, this contains lots of citrus flavor and caffeine. Mountain Dew is available in cans through Amazon Fresh.
  • Diet 7up. This may not have been obvious as an alternative because the brand is so iconic. But 7up is based on lemon and lime flavors. Caffeine free. 7UP is available in a 12-pack of cans on Amazon.
  • Sprite Zero. Just like 7up, this is an iconic lemon-lime soda. Caffeine free. Sprite Zero is available in a 12-pack of cans on Amazon.
  • Wegmans Diet Wedge. Wegmans makes Wedge Diet soda that comes in plain grapefruit and combos with grapefruit. It’s usually available in cans, but it looks like only 2-liter bottles are available. The four flavors are available on the Wegmans site.
  • Diet Squirt. This is probably the closest competitor to Fresca. It was in stock on Amazon in 20oz bottles.

Coca-cola is all set to fill the market with Fresca again. You will not have to wait any longer, but till then, you can try out the above-mentioned sodas too. There is no harm in trying something new, and maybe you will find a new favorite of yours.

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