Envestnet Layoffs 2023: How many employees does Envestnet have?

Is Envestnet Laying Off Employees? Envestnet, a big player in advisory technology, has confirmed layoff recently. It said the company will be making significant job cuts. The CEO, Bill Crager, warned employees about the impending layoffs. He acknowledged the difficulty of these decisions. But also acknowledged their necessity to sustain the company’s mission and value to stakeholders.

This news coincides with Envestnet’s competitor, Orion Advisor Solutions, also planning job reductions. Orion’s spokesperson, Kendra Galante, explained that these cuts are essential. These are a result of consolidating their business units. They target non-client-facing and duplicate roles.

There were discussions within Envestnet’s senior management regarding identifying positions for potential layoffs in some units. In comparison, others had no such directives.

Former Envestnet employee Mark Ovaska, who worked for a year, was not surprised by the layoffs. He commended CEO Bill Crager’s leadership for making tough decisions.

Envestnet recently announced that former iShares Managing Director Josh Warren will replace Pete D’Arrigo. As the company’s CFO, starting on November 15. This move signals the company’s commitment to its future, with no plans for a proactive sale.

Rumors of Envestnet being an acquisition target have circulated in the media. But deals have yet to materialize. Envestnet’s current stock price is around $46 per share.

Under Bill Crager’s leadership, Envestnet has faced challenges, including the unexpected passing of co-founder and CEO Jud Bergman in 2019. Also, disputes with activist shareholder Impactive Capital, which acquired a 7.5% stake in the company and two board seats in 2022.

Crager expressed gratitude to employees for their dedication and hard work. He acknowledged the difficulty of the day. Also emphasized their shared commitment to clients and the company’s future.

Envestnet Layoffs – July

In July 2023, Envestnet announced to lay off approximately 1,000 employees. This prominent company specializes in providing technology solutions for financial advisors and institutions. These solutions play an important role in wealth management. It offers guidance for investments. Also facilitates the seamless delivery of financial services to clients.

At its core, Envestnet offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services. They are designed to streamline various aspects of wealth management and financial planning. The company’s headquarters are situated in Chicago, Illinois. Its presence is a key player in the financial technology sector. Presently, Envestnet boasts a dedicated workforce of approximately 7,000 employees. All contributed to its mission of reshaping the landscape of financial advisory services.

In July 2023, Envestnet confronted a difficult decision. One that involved laying off about 1,000 employees spanning all levels and functions. This move boomed throughout the industry. It triggered questions about the motivations behind it. Also questioned what it meant for Envestnet’s future. The severance packages were said to be quite generous. It included multiple months of salary and continued benefits.

About Envestnet Inc.

Envestnet, Inc. is an American financial technology firm. It specializes in creating and delivering wealth management tools. Besides, it provides solutions to financial advisors and institutions. Their primary product is an advisory platform that consolidates the software and services. Those services are essential for financial advisors engaged in wealth management.

In 2020, Envestnet found itself entangled in a class-action lawsuit. It was linked to its collection of consumer financial data. Responding to this legal challenge, the company filed a motion to dismiss in 2020. The court ruling was mixed; it granted a portion of the motion while denying another part. This legal dispute stirred controversy around the company. It also drew attention to its data collection practices.

Why Layoffs Are Happening At Envestnet?

The Envestnet layoffs were not an isolated incident. But rather the result of a series of setbacks the company faced in recent years. Multiple factors played a role in this significant decision. In comparison, the economic challenges and internal growth issues are the most prominent. These challenges highlighted that even established players in the financial technology industry are susceptible to market fluctuations and internal complexities.

Eric Jones, Envestnet’s head of corporate communications, issued a statement confirming the layoffs. He explained that Envestnet is transitioning to a more cost-effective operational setup. So that it can achieve its goals for profit growth and cash flow, this decision was made in response to challenging market conditions. Or to maintain the company’s long-term objectives.

In 2022, Envestnet encountered a major hurdle. It happened when a group of investors, led by Elliott Management Corp., acquired a substantial stake in the company. This acquisition came with demands for structural changes. It forced the company to abandon its plans to go private. This situation, combined with criticism regarding high executive compensation. Not only this, but a complex corporate structure also added to the mounting pressures on Envestnet.

The layoffs at Envestnet also provide insight into the broader financial technology industry. It’s not just Envestnet. However, its competitors, like Charles Schwab, have expanded their market share. Additionally, new entrants to the financial technology market have complicated matters. They emphasized the need for Envestnet to innovate and adapt.

Envestnet’s CEO, Bill Crager, said, “The layoffs were a “difficult but necessary decision.” It aimed at securing the company’s long-term success.” He highlighted a strategy that focuses on core business functions. Moreover, that may invest in new growth opportunities. It showed Envestnet’s commitment to overcoming challenges and remaining relevant in the evolving industry.

The Envestnet layoffs mirror the broader challenges faced by the financial technology sector. The industry is undergoing significant changes. For example: Increased competition, heightened regulatory scrutiny, and economic headwinds. Consequently, many companies, including Envestnet, have had to make difficult decisions so that they can adapt to this shifting landscape.

Envestnet’s experience serves as a stark reminder. It signifies that the finance technology industry is still in its early stages of development. While it has demonstrated remarkable growth and innovation, uncertainty about the future prevails. 

Envestnet Faces Share Struggles as Q1 Revenue Declines

Envestnet reported its first-quarter revenue, which stood at $298.71 million. This figure represented a 7.1% decrease compared to the same period in the previous year. It was slightly below the Zacks consensus analyst estimate by 0.76%.

In terms of EPS for the first quarter, Envestnet outperformed expectations. It was $0.46 per share, surpassing the Zacks estimate of $0.44. However, it fell short by one cent compared to the $0.47 EPS reported in the same quarter the previous year.

Wall Street noted the subscription-based recurring revenue stood at $117.08 million for the quarter. This figure was slightly below the average estimated $118.32 million from five analysts.

Over the past year, Envestnet has faced various challenges. Including: 

  • Rumors of a private equity acquisition
  • A headquarters relocation
  • Departures of key executives
  • A public dispute with an activist hedge fund

Envestnet’s CEO revealed these challenges during an interview at the Envestnet Summit 2023 conference in Denver. He acknowledged the company’s recent investments and actions. These were expected to cause short-term difficulties. He also recognized that these changes might need to be better received by Wall Street. Crager emphasized the need for organizational transformation. So that it can integrate acquired businesses, many of which had narrow-focused operations.

What’s Wrong With Envestnet?

Envestnet has faced a turbulent year. Its challenges include:

  • A declining stock price
  • Hostile actions from an activist investor
  • The departure of key executives
  • A failed attempt to go private
  • Various acquisitions
  • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) missteps
  • A substantial reorganization

The company’s string of acquisitions has resulted in a diverse array of enterprises. It left many wondering about the cohesion of these elements and the company’s overall business model.

Impactive Capital criticized the company in a recent open letter to Envestnet’s board of directors. It was criticized for underperforming and excessive spending without clear accountability for returns. Impactive, with a 7.2% stake in Envestnet. It signifies its concerns about CEO Bill Crager’s leadership.

A pivotal moment is on the horizon, likely by next spring. Impactive plans to nominate an alternative slate of board members. Or to engage in a proxy fight if they are not granted a seat on the board.

However, Watson (former vice chair at the firm) acknowledged that Envestnet’s reorganization efforts and strengths in asset management, data, analytics, and investments in AI-driven decision-making are moving the company in a positive direction.

Envestnet’s entry into the custody business shows a significant test for the company in the future. Some skeptics warn of the risk of upsetting major clients like Schwab and Fidelity. Nonetheless, Wall Street analysts expressed optimism and said. This move is one of Envestnet’s most substantial opportunities, as highlighted in a research note from JMP Securities.

Is Envestnet A Good Company?

Envestnet, as an employer, holds an overall rating of 3.9 out of 5 based on feedback from more than 765 employees. Among those surveyed, 73% of employees would actively recommend Envestnet. They recommend the company to their friends. Besides, it reflects a positive sentiment within the workforce. 

Additionally, 62% of these employees also express a positive outlook for the company’s future. It highlights a general sense of optimism about Envestnet’s business prospects. This data provides valuable insights into the company’s workplace environment. Also, their review shows the level of satisfaction among its employees.

The Wrap

Envestnet’s decision to carry out layoffs has been confirmed as it navigates toward a more cost-effective operational model. This decision has been made to sustain the company’s value to stakeholders. These layoffs coincide with similar actions by their competitor, Orion Advisor Solutions.

Envestnet is taking deliberate steps to streamline its workforce. Before making any decision, discussions happen within the company about which positions might be affected. Despite recent leadership changes, the company is signaling its commitment to its future and not actively seeking a sale.

The challenges Envestnet has faced recently, from the loss of its co-founder to disputes with shareholders, have contributed to the need for these workforce adjustments.

CEO Bill Crager thanked the employees during this challenging time for their dedication and hard work. The company’s focus remains on serving clients and securing a prosperous future.