Cauliflower shortage 2023 – Why is cauliflower so expensive worldwide?

Why is there a Cauliflower shortage? Shortages appear to be a new reality. In 2020, shortages affected everything from toilet paper to lumber. In 2021, poultry, semiconductor chips, and prescription drugs were shortage. Shortages in 2022 affected cream cheese, diesel, and infant formula. Food shortages had a poor year in 2022 as well, and supplies will probably get worse in 2023.

Later in the year, basic food items like cauliflower may be more expensive or harder to find. Let us explore it further in this article.

Is there a shortage of cauliflowers?

cauliflower shortage

92% of the cauliflower planted in the United States is produced in California. So, recent droughts and high heat have significantly reduced cauliflower availability. The growers have installed irrigation pumps in the west. But high heat and a lack of water have reduced broccoli and cauliflower production. Thus, it will contribute to a vegetable shortage in 2023.

During the same time, snow and frosts severely affected crops in the UK, France, and Spain. Regrettably, until the summertime harvests in late May and early June, we won’t see any improvement in this regard.

The cauliflower market in Europe is also in short supply. The winter was too warm initially, and the current season is too cold. As a result, they import very little cauliflower from France. The cold weather has also affected Northern Spain’s and French supplies. The southern part of Spain is seeing minor warming, so more cauliflower is being released. Yet it’s far from enough to meet the need.

The sole benefit is that the issue is so common that it has gained acceptance. Even some supermarkets no longer carry broccoli and cauliflower in recent times. We don’t need to change our meals in the meantime fully. Suppliers believe that the availability of broccoli and cauliflower will soon increase. Also, the pricing will return to normal.

Impact of cauliflower shortages

In March 2023, there was a prolonged Spanish and French cauliflower shortage across Europe. Sales agents for Vegetables claim that there is still no clear end. Everyone thought that the supply would increase a little bit more. But again, cold struck the Spanish farming regions. Some Spanish cauliflower will still be available, but it’s unclear how the supply will change moving forward. French volumes are still quite small as well.

Thankfully, a vast farm with a cauliflower producer exists in the Andalusian region. At least now we have access to the goods. Even though it is far from sufficient, we can at least satisfy. 

The regular consumers. Spanish land area has also greatly decreased. The demand for desirable arable land is high. The lower pricing and increased costs from the previous year resulted in less cauliflower being grown.

There aren’t many options available right now. Mid-April is the start of the Dutch winter cauliflower supply. It is part of what was lost to the December frost.

Spanish cauliflower contracts typically expire in early May. The vegetables’ retail contracts for the Dutch cauliflower season typically begin in early June. At this point, it isn’t easy to know how that transition period will play out. Product access is generally getting harder. More weather extremes are present. We successfully managed the heat-related shortages in the UK last summer; we cannot do so today during the Spanish season. Water availability continues to be a major problem for all producers in Spain.


As the Yuma, Arizona, season draws to a close, there is a cauliflower shortage due to increased demand. Santa Maria, California, and Mexico supplies are stable, and we can see increased demand in these regions. This week has just begun in Salinas, California.

Modern Americans are incredibly pampered in many respects. We don’t mean to sound negative because there are many ways to get almost everything we desire at any moment. Nonetheless, there is now a general assumption that these goods will always be accessible since so many goods and services are constantly available. So, even a minor problem can occasionally cause stress and fear, especially when it involves our food.

 Nothing would make us happier than to say that, in 2023, we may look forward to great food goods. But realistic thinking rather than excessive optimism is required, given the state of the world. Although there is no assurance that any future problems will occur, the facts at hand offer hints on what to expect. 

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