Lactaid Milk Shortage 2023 – What happened and Who sells it now?

Why there is Lactaid milk shortage? Lactaid is a brand of lactose-free milk. It is no longer available in supermarkets such as Costco and Publix. The implementation of the global lockdown resulted in the temporary closure of manufacturing facilities for lactose-free dairy products. This had a negative impact on the growth of the global lactose-free dairy market. Thus it affects both domestic & international manufacturing of lactose-free dairy products.

Lactaid is 100% natural milk that is lactose-free. So even if you are sensitive, you can enjoy the taste of it. It’s not only delicious but also easy to digest. So it has all the benefits of natural milk without the drawbacks. Lactaid milk and products are beneficial for all.

There is only one difference between Lactaid milk and regular milk. Lactaid contains the enzyme lactase, which dissolves the milk sugar (lactose) that lactose-intolerant persons cannot digest. Let us know in brief about the causes of the Lactaid milk shortage.

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Why are all the stores out of Lactaid milk?

Lactose-free milk is different from soy, almond, or oat milk alternatives. It comes from a cow, and sales are increasing like those of its plant-based competitors.

To be sure, the dairy industry is shifting due to the increased globalization of its goods over the last century. Dairy was a highly localized business for most of the twentieth century. Shipping, refrigeration, and international trade advancements have made the industry more globally centered.

Unexpected delays in the manufacturing network caused the product shortfall. There are no concerns about the safety or quality of Lactaid milk. Coffee shops and restaurants across the United States are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. This has caused some American dairy farms to dump milk to avoid oversupplying. Lactose-free milk producers are experiencing fewer business disruptions.

Also, manufacturers faced a variety of difficulties as a result of supply chain problems. The increase in transportation costs caused frequent delays in product distribution worldwide. Furthermore, a labor shortage and a lack of raw materials posed significant challenges to fully operational production facilities.

Price fluctuations caused by the market’s scarcity of milk impacted the overall price of refined products. Furthermore, the quality of raw materials worsened as farmers attempted to increase the product volume to increase production at dairy companies. These facts sum up the answer to the Lactaid milk shortage in all stores.

Lactaid milk drives sales

Lactose-free milk sales were $126 million in March 2020, up 30% from 2019. “Part of this can be attributed to a return to comfort food and recessionary habits,” says Matt Gould, a dairy industry newsletter editor. Dairy has struggled in restaurants, which have nearly all closed. According to HighGround Dairy, a dairy futures and options broker, restaurants and other food companies account for roughly 40% of traditional US milk sales.

There has been enough demand for lactose-free milk in recent years. “We just don’t have the dairy products accessible,” according to Alyssa Badger, director of global operations at HighGround. Lactaid was the only lactose-free milk widely available on store shelves in North America for many years. They are now one of many options available to consumers.

Some businesses are struggling to adapt to changes in global markets. Dean Foods Co., the largest milk company in the United States, declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2018. In 2019, they joined 48 other dairy companies in declaring bankruptcy. Plant-based milk alternatives and the changing consumer tastes they adapt also pose challenges to the industry.

The dairy industry responded with lactose-free milk to compete with the appeal of milk made from oats, cashews, bananas, almonds, and other ingredients.

According to dairy data from market researcher IRI, lactose-free milk sales in the United States expanded by 10.9% year over year in 2019. Apart from non-homogenized milk, it is the only dairy product to see such growth. White milk sales fell by 4% during the same period. Lactose-free foods performed better than dairy alternatives. Soy fell by 12.8%, a coconut fell by 4.6%, and almonds rose by 7.6%. Only brands selling lactose-free dairies, such as Hood’s Lactaid and Fairlife, saw growth in skim and low-fat varieties.

Lactose-free milk shortage 2022-2023

According to forecasts, there is an increase in demand for healthier dairy foods due to an increasing lactose-intolerant population and rising consumer purchasing power. The global lactose-free dairy products market is expected to expand at a 5.5% CAGR and reach a value of around USD 23.1 billion by 2032.

Lactose intolerance is a common and debilitating illness that affects approximately 75% of the world’s population. Since lactose is difficult for them to digest, consumers avoid dairy products. Lactose intolerance affects over 40 million Americans at variable levels or roughly one-third of the people. It is especially prevalent in East Asians, affecting more than 90% of adults in some of these populations. As a result, the global market for lactose-free dairy products is expanding rapidly.

A lactose-intolerant consumer can easily consume a small number of dairy products due to their low lactose levels. Even though the introduction of lactose-free dairy products to the market allowed lactose-intolerant consumers to consume the desired amount of dairy-based food items,

Lactose-free dairy products face intense competition from other plant-based food products. This has slowed the market’s growth potential. Thus, we are facing a shortage of lactose-free milk.

How to overcome the shortage?

Lactaid Milk Shortage 2023 - What happened and Who sells it now?

There appear to be more lactose-free milk options than ever before. Many people prefer non-dairy milk, soy, rice, and nut milk, to accommodate allergies, vegan lifestyles, or specific health concerns. Choosing the best non-dairy milk can take a lot of work for various reasons.

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It’s not just soy when it comes to milk substitutes. Most supermarkets carry rice, almond, hazelnut, coconut, and other lactose-free milk. Each option has a distinct flavor and nutritional profile. We can consider these alternative products if the shortage of Lactaid milk exists.


Lactose-free dairy products are becoming more popular, providing excellent chances for lactose-intolerant people to benefit from a diverse range of nutritious and delicious milk products.

Consumer awareness of the nutritional value of dairy products, combined with the promotion of the various lactose-free dairy options and their benefits, may increase the market penetration of these products even further. Individual dairy producers see the lactose-free segment as a highly interesting, profitable, and expanding market in which innovative new products can thrive.

Lactose-free products may attract consumers who need to be better-served by traditional dairy products. Thus, these products have the potential to grow the total market. We anticipate many new product launches in this rapidly growing segment of the dairy industry in the future.

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