Did Kellogg’s discontinue Special K? Is Special K Shakes Discontinued in 2023? Special K offers meal replacements in the U.S. through protein meal bars, and protein shakes. If people enjoy protein supplements, they’ve probably seen Special K drinks in their neighborhood supermarket. These meal substitutes promise to aid in weight loss for customers.
The Special K product is still available. However, they only provide six bars. Eight and twelve counts are being discontinued. Several Kellogg’s cereals will be out of stock for quite some time due to a strike at the company’s American manufacturing plants in 2021. According to the business, “We do not have a schedule for the return of some products.”
Concerning the issues with four of Kellogg’s cereal lines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released a statement. After several consumers voiced their complaints about strange flavors and smells, an investigation was carried out. As a result, Kellogg decided to recall certain of its products voluntarily.
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Special K protein shakes
Special K is a Kellogg brand of breakfast cereal and energy bars in the United States. The cereal was first made available in the U.S. in 1955. It is generally made of grains, including wheat, barley, and rice, that have been lightly roasted. Protein meal bars and protein shakes are the two meal replacement options offered by Special K in the U.S.
The famous Kellogg’s brand offers Special K shakes. The company’s low-fat breakfast cereals were designed specifically for people trying to lose weight. It was first known as “Special K.”
Kellogg’s has expanded its line of nutritional supplements. It is done by introducing the Special K protein drinks and the K20 protein water after the breakfast cereal and meal bars. The main objective of all of these products, commonly known as the “Special K Challenge,” was to support consumers in losing weight.
Meal replacers, known as Special K shakes, are quick and easy drinks that can be used in place of any meal during the day. These items have a nice, creamy texture and consistency. There are many different types of protein shakes that we can pick from. This contains strawberry, vanilla cappuccino, French vanilla, chocolate mocha, milk chocolate, rich chocolate, strawberry banana, and raspberry cheesecake.
What happened to Kellogg’s Special K?

After changing the Special K recipe in 2013, Kellogg’s received criticism from angry customers. Fans of the prior recipe, which hadn’t changed since 1983, have asked the business to stop distributing the new version since April 2013.
Customers have left over a hundred negative remarks on the brand’s Facebook page. Around 70 customers have expressed their complaints on the grocery store’s website. One customer complained, “The flakes are too hard; Kellogg’s has completely ruined my breakfast.” Another person asked, “Is it true they are going to change Special K to “Not So Special K?” Another person pleaded with manufacturers to maintain the original product available so that customers have an option.
According to Kellogg’s, the sugar content has not increased. It is still 17%, but a portion of the sugar is baked onto the flake’s exterior to give it a little more “crunch.”
According to brand communications manager Louisa Thompson Davies, making modifications to a product the size of Special K is never easy. The recipe had succeeded when tested in Europe in 2012 because Kellogg’s “had not made the alterations,” she added. “We heard complaints when we previously changed the formula in the 1980s, but the item went on to become our top seller in the U.K.”
Another problem arose in the company that led to supply issues and temporary shortages. Around 1,400 Kellogg Company workers went on strike in 2021. All of the cereal factories in the U.S. had to stop production. The amount of Special K, Frosted Flakes, and other well-known products that might be impacted was unknown at the time, according to the Associated Press.
The strike affects facilities in Omaha, Nebraska; Battle Creek, Michigan; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; and Memphis, Tennessee. Osborn anticipates that Kellogg’s will try to preserve the supply and continue operations by bringing non-union staff on-site. The business said it is “trying to implement emergency plans” to avoid offending customers.
Why is Special K original out of stock everywhere?
Everybody could find a Kellogg’s cereal that suited their tastes. The two of them—Corn Kellogg’s Flakes and All-Bran—are still available today after 100 years. In 1906, the Kellogg Company was established. Granola Flakes were the first cereal Dr. John Kellogg invented in 1895 while running his Battle Creek sanitarium.
Many additional brands, like Apple Jacks (1965), Frosted Flakes (1952), Special K (1955), and Raisin Bran (1942), have lasted for decades. Today, Kellogg’s advertises itself as “one of the earliest plant-based well-being businesses.” Over the past 100 years, Kellogg’s has also discontinued many of its cereals.
The Kellogg Company had to stop manufacturing at one facility. According to insiders in the food business, the company could not acquire corn that was guaranteed to be free of a genetically modified grain that was only permitted for use by animals.
Currently, the business acknowledges a “temporary shortage” of its brands. Kellogg’s began informing consumers that there are “temporary shortages” of everything from Rice Krispies and Special K to Crispix, Vector, and Cracklin’ Oat Bran due to “supply difficulties.”
The brand has stopped selling Special K original cereal. “We still produce alternative cereals you might like, like Nourish cereals with almonds and Special K Chocolatey Delight.” In response to a customer’s question over the unavailability of Special K original cereal, the firm claimed this.
The company has now completely grown into a household name. Cereals are what Kellogg’s is best known for. Nevertheless, it has a lot more to offer. Their Special K product line, which consists of numerous items like crackers, drinks, protein bars, and cereals, was only recently released on the market.
The company’s spokespeople claim that its unique shakes will aid customers. Thus, it will help achieve various health benefits, including weight loss and food intake reduction. Kellogg’s has even created an online competition called the Special K Challenge to advertise these shakes. It is intended to help customers lose weight quickly while drinking the protein drinks the business offers.