Snuggle Me Lounger Recall 2023 – Alternatives to this

Is Snuggle me lounger recall? Even when we have a baby, our responsibilities as parents do not end. It’s appealing to put our baby in an infant lounge while we cook food, send emails, fold clothes, and wash the dishes as young moms. These lightweight and portable cushions feature a “backbeat,” which safeguards our baby without needing straps or harnesses.

The “Snuggle Me” brand does not meet the CPSC’s requirements for newborn sleep safety. The product could be firmer. Sleeping areas with padding are believed to decrease suffocation risks. Let us view this product in detail.

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Is snuggle me lounger recalled?

we don’t find any information on it’s recall, you connect with company and ask them about it. The Snuggle Me Organic Infant Lounger is a couch created to hug our baby’s entire body and resemble our womb. The broad, fluffy sides are drawn toward the center in a sling-like fashion by the plain, foamless (unpadded) center.

This induces a cuddling feeling that could soothe and comfort our child. Snuggle Me asserts that it is the pioneer in baby consumer safety and the maker of the first baby loungers. Like other baby loungers, the Snuggle Me is a baby device that provides extra support when we need a second set of hands to hold our infant.

Unfortunately, infant loungers have been linked to injuries and deaths. According to Amy Frias, a health educator at Children’s Health of Orange County, a pediatric healthcare system in Southern California, “the issue arises when newborns are permitted to sleep” in baby loungers.

Although infant loungers are created for monitored awake time, some parents ignore this advice. A sleeping baby left unattended in a lounger could roll over and become trapped against the side walls. Stated they lack the power to roll back over. Being trapped makes suffocation more likely, especially if the baby’s mouth or nostrils become clogged.

The American company Snuggle Me Organic develops creative and high-quality baby nests. The company further claims that there have been no reports of newborn injuries or safety violations via their hotline or from regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada. Still, these items can still be considered safe if used correctly and at all times under adult supervision.

Why is there a snuggle me lounger shortage?

Snuggle Me Lounger Recall

Created to resemble a nest or cushion, a baby lounger allows our new infant to unwind or relax throughout the day. They can provide our children with a secure place if they are appropriately utilized and are always under adult supervision.

However, if used for napping, loungers and other baby goods like rockers, inclined sleepers, swings, baby pillows, sleep positioners, and nests might be hazardous. For instance, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a safety advisory against Fisher-Price rockers in June 2022 after 13 newborn deaths were linked to them. Due to the possibility of suffocation, Boppy Original Baby Loungers were discontinued in September 2021.

The makers of these products and those of comparable companies claimed that infants could safely use them as long as they are watched over and are not allowed to nap alone.

Snuggle Me Organic Baby Lounger & Infant Floor Seat are:

  • Breathable, non-toxic, and hypoallergenic lounger
  • When we want to tuck our infant in, the unique center sling design simulates hugging.
  • Clothing made of GOTS-certified organic cotton
  • The company claims there have been no reports of newborn injuries or safety incidents to the CPSC (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) or Health Canada about its items.

Snuggle Me Premium Lounging and Bed Sharing Cushions can be used in bed with parents or guardians for newborns up to 6 months old. It can be used inside and outside the bed for various activities. This includes playing, sleeping, tummy time, massaging, bathing, and traveling. About this product, we have three key concerns:

  • In addition to their track history, this item doesn’t comply with other safety requirements. A “9-year history of excellent safety performance” is claimed by the website. Although this is fantastic, it should be used as something other than an alternative for strict safety standards and proper testing.
  • Like most sleep positioners, the maker recommends parents keep their infants “fully attended” when using the item. But it is impossible to provide constant observation if parents use this device to sleep with their infant.
  • The website also suggests that parents give their children a blanket to nap with. Infants under 1 year old shouldn’t sleep with a blanket for various safety reasons, namely suffocation, and heating.

The Canadian Public Health Agency, Health Canada, also warns about baby nest goods. Anything that features a “small, compact bed for a baby that has soft, cushioned sides” falls under this description.

Some specialists do not advise infant loungers because of safety issues and an elevated risk of SIDS. In the words of parental advisor and writer of Expecting 411, Baby 411, and Toddler 411, Ari Brown, M.D., FAAP, “Simply because an item is on the marketplace doesn’t imply it has a doctor’s stamp of approval.”

Some people disagree, saying that using infant loungers is safe as long as parents take all essential safety steps and ensure the baby is being watched and awake. Frias explains that “these items are not intended for sleeping.” To be informed of new product recalls, parents must also make sure to fill out and submit the registration card for the product.


In the end, parents can balance the advantages and disadvantages. Our pediatrician could offer some guidance on these baby loungers as well. Remember that anyone using the items shouldn’t ever leave their kid unattended in them, not even while just going to the restroom. Move our little children as soon as possible to a safer area (like their crib) if they nod off in the lounge. Additionally, avoid placing the lounger on anything that could cause it to fall to the ground, such as a bed, desk, or other surfaces.
