Is NO7 Airbrush Away Foundation Discontinued in 2023?

Is NO7 Airbrush Away Foundation discontinued? NO7 is a famous British cosmetic brand known for its high-quality and affordable products. One of their most popular products was the Airbrush Away Foundation, which promised to give the skin a flawless, airbrushed finish. 

However, there have been rumors that this product has been discontinued. In this article, we will investigate whether or not the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been discontinued.

The NO7 Airbrush Away Foundation was a fan favorite for many makeup enthusiasts.  This foundation was designed to smooth out the skin’s imperfections, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give the skin a luminous, airbrushed finish. 

It was also available in various shades, making it accessible to people of all skin tones. However, rumors have been circulating that the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been discontinued. 

Some makeup enthusiasts have reported being unable to find this product in stores or online, while others claim that a similar effect has replaced it. 

Are you also wondering whether the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation is Discontinued? Keep your eye open and read this article intently because you will get all your doubts cleared here.

Has the No.7 Airbrush Away Foundation been Discontinued?

To determine whether or not the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been discontinued, we reached out to NO.7’s customer service department. 

Unfortunately, we have yet to receive a clear answer regarding the availability of this product. They stated that the product may be out of stock due to high demand, but they have yet to confirm whether or not the product has been discontinued.

We also researched online to see if we could find any information about the product’s availability. 

While we found some listings for the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation on third-party websites, we tried to find listings on NO.7’s official website or significant retailers’ websites.

Based on our information, whether or not the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been discontinued is still being determined. 

The product is simply out of stock due to high demand or production issues. Alternatively, the product has been discontinued and replaced with a similar product.

Why was the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation discontinued?

It needs to be clarified why NO.7 decided to discontinue the Airbrush Away Foundation. However, there are a few reasons why cosmetic products are discontinued.

One reason could be that the product wasn’t selling well. 

Another reason could be that the company focused on other products or lines. There were safety concerns or regulatory changes that led to the discontinuation.

Whatever the reason, it’s always a good idea to check the cause of the discontinuation before purchasing a product that’s no longer available.

How can I check if the No.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been Discontinued?

If you are a fan of the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation and cannot find it in stores or online, there are a few things you can do. 

First, you can contact NO.7’s customer service department to inquire about the product’s availability. 

They can provide more information about when the product will be restocked or if it has been discontinued.

You can also look for the product on third-party websites or at discount stores. Sometimes, discontinued products are sold at a discount in these stores. 

However, it is essential to be cautious when buying from third-party websites, as they may sell counterfeit or expired products.

Alternatives that you can go for

Finally, consider trying a different foundation if you cannot find the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation. 

Many other high-quality foundations on the market promise to give the skin a flawless, airbrushed finish. 

Like L’Oreal Paris Infallible Pro-Matte Foundation, Revlon ColorStay Makeup for Combination/Oily Skin, etc. 

By researching and trying out different products, you can find a new favorite foundation that works just as well as the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation.

Final Words

In conclusion, whether or not the NO.7 Airbrush Away Foundation has been discontinued is still being determined. 

While some makeup enthusiasts have reported difficulty finding the product, we could not confirm whether or not it has been discontinued.

 If you are a fan of this foundation, we recommend contacting NO.7’s customer service department or looking for the product on third-party websites or discount stores. Alternatively, consider trying a different foundation.