Worldwide Microchip Shortage 2024 and Next Updation

Microchip Shortage. The microchip shortage is like having fewer tiny brains for our gadgets. These small but crucial chips are causing big problems, making things expensive and taking longer. The need affects everything from phones to cars, revealing how changes in one part of the world can impact our daily lives.

The shortage of microchips started in 2020 because of COVID-19 and still needs to be fixed as 2023 is ending. The reason is that almost every electronic device we use, like phones and computers, needs these tiny things called chips to work. Making these chips is not easy; it can take up to six months!

The people who make these chips say it’s hard to fix the problem because building new factories to make more chips takes a long time, like years. So, even though we want more chips to be made quickly, it can take a little time.

What Is The Reason Behind Microchip Shortage?

The chip shortage happened for a few reasons, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When the pandemic hit, people started buying more electronic stuff, like phones and gadgets, because they were stuck at home. But making these gadgets needs special computer chips, and the places that make these chips had to close because of the virus.

Even when the chip-making places tried to catch up, there were problems with getting the chips from one place to another. There was also a drought in Taiwan, where they made a lot of chips, and some countries were fighting about trade, making things worse.

Many things, like electric cars, smart devices, and computers, need these chips. Some experts say that by 2030, the chip industry could be worth a trillion dollars! Cars, wireless stuff, and cloud computing will be the big reasons for this growth.

To fix the problem, big companies like Intel and Samsung plan to build more chip-making places, spending over $500 billion by 2024. They are creating more than 50 new places in Asia and the U.S. But, it takes a long time, like 3 to 5 years, to make one of these places, and it’s not easy.

There are also some other problems. Some important tools needed to make chips are hard to find, and the time it takes to get them is very long. Making chips is like a puzzle with over a thousand pieces; if one part is missing, it’s hard to finish.

What Are Microchips?

Microchips, called semiconductors, are like tiny brains that power our everyday things. Imagine them as silent heroes working behind the scenes on our gadgets.

Lately, getting these tiny chips has been tricky, causing issues in making stuff like phones and computers. Wonder why? Well, there needs to be more of these chips to go around.

This chip shortage is causing delays in making cool gadgets. So, even though we don’t talk about them much, these little chips are super important for the things we love and use daily. They’re like the secret sauce that makes our gadgets work!

Market Size Of Microchip 2024

The chip business is doing great and getting even bigger! In 2021, the experts thought the sales of these chips would go up by more than 20%, reaching about $600 billion. Cars, data storage, and wireless devices use these chips the most.

Guess what? Every year until 2030, the chip business might keep growing by 6% to 8%. That means the chip industry could be worth $1 trillion by the decade’s end! The prices of chips are increasing a little every year, and the supply and demand for chips are getting balanced again after some ups and downs.

In 2020, the global chip market went up by 6.8%, and from 2022 to 2029, they think it could go from $573.44 billion to $1,380.79 billion, growing at a rate of 12.2% every year. So, the chip business is doing awesome and will keep getting bigger in the future!

Which Country Has The Most Microchip Now?

According to the United Nations, China is the leading producer of semiconductor chips in the world. However, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), located in Taiwan, produces 50% of the semiconductors used globally, making Taiwan the dominating country in the industry.

Impact Of Chip Shortage

The shortage of computer chips isn’t just affecting cars. It’s causing problems for things like our phones, appliances, and even the development of cool technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).

For everyday stuff, like fridges and phones, these chips help control how things work. But because there weren’t enough chips, prices increased, especially when more people needed laptops and computers for school and work at home.

Now, even fancy things like AI, which makes computers super smart, could have trouble because the chips it needs are also running low. So, it’s about more than just cars; this chip shortage is making things tricky for lots of cool tech stuff we use and want.

How To Fix This Microchip Shortage Problem?

People are working hard to fix this problem. One idea is to make these chips in our country, so we always have enough. That sounds good because we want these important chips, but it might make things more expensive if we don’t get them from other countries.

The U.S. government spends much money on the CHIPS Act to make more chips at home. Europe is doing something similar to depend less on other countries.

Some companies are making products that don’t need as many chips, like taking out fancy car features.

For a quick fix, some companies use chips they already have stored. But that won’t last forever because they’ll run out.

To solve the problem, we need to make more chips, but it takes time. We have to build more places to make chips.

Lastly, countries like the U.S., Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are teaming up to make a strong group called Chip 4. This ensures we rely on something other than China for chips and helps everyone get what they need.

Microchips are super important for our gadgets. The recent problem shows how changes in one part of the world can affect everything. Making sure we can make our chips is not just about devices; it’s also about keeping our country safe and strong.

How Long Will Chip Shortage Last?

The problem of not having enough computer chips for cars might improve by the end of 2023. But others say it could last even longer, maybe until 2024.

Now, because of all the changes in the car industry in the past two years, what a normal chip supply chain looks like in 2023 is different from what it was before 2020 when the chip problem started.

An expert says that if you want to know if things are getting better, you should look for signs like car factories being able to make cars more quickly and regularly. That means they’re getting the chips they need on time.

People are tired of hearing the phrase “new normal,” but in this case, it fits. Instead of asking when the chip shortage will end, we should ask when the way we get these chips will change again.

It’s hard to say exactly when the chip shortage will end because there are many reasons, like the COVID-19 pandemic and many people wanting electronics. This shortage has happened since 2020, causing problems in making and delivering chips.

Even if we get more chips, it might still take a while for things to go back to normal with prices and supply. We might have to wait a bit, even if things start improving.

Why Is Microchip Shortage Not Ending?

In 2022, there was some improvement in getting more computer chips because people were buying fewer PCs, smartphones, and gadgets. Places in Taiwan that make these chips started making more for cars and factories. But now, cars need fancier chips, especially because they’re becoming electric and can drive independently.

There are also problems between the U.S. and China that are affecting how chips are sold. The U.S. controls how many chips go to China, which is a big buyer of these chips.

Another challenge is finding enough skilled people to work on making these chips. Even though they’re trying to open new places to make chips, there might need to be more trained people to do the job. The chip industry is expected to create many jobs, but finding people to fill them might be challenging.

There could be another chip shortage because it’s tricky to match how many chips are needed with how many are made. The demand for these chips is also uncertain because of new technologies like AI, electric cars, and smart gadgets. Even though these things need more chips, how many and how quickly need to be clarified.

Getting more people interested in working with chips is important, but it takes work. Chip technology is not easy to see or play with compared to software, so only a few young people choose it as a career. Still, some hope that as an important part of technology, more people will consider working with chips because it’s exciting and doesn’t change as quickly as software jobs.

Bottom Line

The microchip shortage has been bumpy, affecting everything from phones to cars. While there’s been progress, challenges like global tensions and unpredictable demand linger. The need for more skilled workers in chip-making adds another twist. 

The journey to fix this isn’t over, and it’s a reminder of how important these tiny chips are in our tech-filled world. As we navigate this, finding ways to make more chips, ensuring a stable supply, and inspiring the next generation to join the chip-making adventure for a smoother, tech-filled future is crucial.

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