Is SAS Laying Off? What Is The Future Of SAS?

Is SAS Laying Off? This summer, a company called SAS Institute, which is good at analytics, said it would have a bit fewer people working by the end of the year—about 1% less. The company announced layoffs recently. After cutting some jobs in July, they cut more in September. 

The cuts mainly happened in a part of the company called the professional services division, where they teach customers how to use SAS software better.

SAS didn’t say much about the recent cuts, just pointing to an email from July where they mentioned changing things to focus on what’s most important for the company.

Let’s discover the SAS layoffs and what they mean for the tech world! Let’s dive into how these changes are shaking up the analytics industry. In simple terms, we’ll explore what happened, why it matters, and what could come next. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just curious about significant industry shifts, this blog will break it down without confusing jargon. Join us as we unravel the story behind the SAS layoffs and glimpse into the future of analytics!

SAS has been around since 1976. Students from North Carolina State University founded it. SAS is a software suite that provides analytics, artificial intelligence, and data management software and services. It can mine, alter, manage, and retrieve data from various sources and perform statistical analysis. SAS Viya is a cloud-native platform that offers cloud-based AI and analytics solutions for various industries and roles. SAS OnDemand for Academics is a free cloud-based software for statistical analysis, data mining, forecasting, and more. It’s a big deal in software, making over $3 billion yearly. But lately, the company hasn’t been growing much.

They had around 12,000 workers globally last September. According to SAS, some people who lost their jobs could try to get different jobs within the company.

SAS was thinking about becoming a public company. But now they say it might take until 2025 because of unexpected delays.

Why Is SAS Laying Off?

SAS laid off some employees, and here’s why: Imagine SAS as a player in an analytics game. But so many others are playing, too, from small ones to giants like Microsoft and Amazon. SAS had to work hard to stay in the game, and one way they did it was by cutting costs, which meant some people lost their jobs.

Now, in this game of analytics, things are changing. More companies are using cloud-based tools instead of SAS’s traditional software. Everyone is using new toys, and SAS needs to keep up. They might have had to say goodbye to some old ways and make room for new people who know about the cloud.

And then there’s COVID-19, the tricky virus that made businesses struggle. SAS, too, felt the pinch. When not many people need analytics services because of the slow economy, SAS makes less money. So, to save money and keep going, they had to make tough choices and let some people go.

But don’t worry too much. SAS is like a tough superhero in this big game. They’re not giving up; they’re just changing their moves to stay strong. Let’s hope they come back even better than before!

The Impact Of SAS Layoffs On Employees?

These job cuts at SAS are callous for many people. Imagine you have a friend who suddenly doesn’t have a job anymore. It’s like a big punch that makes things super hard for them.

Money problems are serious, and it’s hitting these folks hard. They’re worried about paying for things and caring for their families. It’s a bumpy road for them.

It’s not just about money; it’s also about feeling sad. The people who still have jobs are scared, too. They keep thinking they might lose their jobs, too, and that’s a scary feeling. When you’re scared, it’s tough to focus on your work.

Plus, losing a job means losing things like health insurance. Just think about going through all this during a pandemic and not having that safety net. It’s like having a heavy load on your shoulders.

And there’s more – things like retirement benefits and other good stuff employees had to say goodbye to. It’s like losing a part of who they are and feeling safe. It’s a lot to handle.

What Is The Future Of SAS?

The SAS layoffs have made some people worried about the company’s future. People are guessing a lot, wondering if SAS is having a hard time keeping up in the world of analytics. It’s like they’re in a race and struggling to catch up.

There’s even talk that SAS might sell or team up with another company. This has people talking, wondering if it’s a last try to fix things. We can not say anything about what will happen in the future, Right?

But let’s not be too sad just yet! There are reasons to be hopeful. SAS has been a big deal in analytics for a long time. They have lots of fans who love their products, which is pretty cool!

Here’s something exciting: SAS is smart about using new technologies like AI and machine learning. They’re not just sitting around but trying to stay ahead of the game. That’s a good sign they want to go with the flow and change with the times.

So, even though people are worried, let’s not give up on SAS just yet. They have a strong base and good reputation and are into innovation.

Now, if SAS wants to get back on top after the layoffs and keep up with the other analytics companies, they have a few ideas to try:

  • Jumping on the Cloud: SAS can make excellent analytics tools that live in the cloud. Businesses love these, which can help SAS stay important in this fast world.
  • Using AI and Machine Learning: SAS can learn about these excellent tools that use artificial intelligence and machine learning. These are like secret weapons that can make the SAS stand out.
  • Being Super Nice to Customers: SAS already has fans, so they can do even more to make those fans happy. SAS can show everyone they’re the best by giving extra good service and being there for customers.

So, SAS has some cool tricks to try. They can use the cloud, learn about AI and ML, and make customers happy. With some magic, SAS might return strong and show everyone they’re here to stay. Let the comeback begin!

Is SAS Still In Demand?

More and more jobs are looking for people who know how to use SAS, a kind of tool for data analytics. Last year, there were over 140,000 job ads nationwide asking for SAS skills, which is almost 17% more than the year before, says Lightcast.

Now, you might wonder if learning SAS for future jobs is a good idea. Lightcast predicts that the number of job ads looking for SAS skills will increase by 4.4% over the next ten years. So, wanting to know SAS is brilliant because the need for people who can work with SAS isn’t going away anytime soon.

What Is Going To Replace SAS?

SAS is a company that makes computer programs to help with analytics, business intelligence, and handling data. Some other companies that do similar things and are going to replace SAS are:

  • Microsoft
  • SAP
  • IBM
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Tableau Software
  • Qlik
  • Sisense
  • Microstrategy
  • Anaconda
  • Altair
  • Pentaho
  • Jamovi
  • Gaio
  • Montecarlito
  • Data Robot

What Is Better – SAS Or Python?

So, if you’re just starting and want to analyze data quickly, SAS is a good choice. R is good if you’re a statistician or data scientist and need lots of tools. But if you’re a data scientist or developer and want a general language for data and machine learning, Python is your pick. The one you choose depends on your project needs and what you like.

Is SAS A Good Company To Work For?

SAS seems like an excellent place to work. People who work there gave it a rating of 4.0 out of 5, based on more than 3,163 reviews. Most employees, around 79%, would tell their friends it’s an excellent company to work for. Also, about 66% of them feel optimistic about the business. This good rating has stayed the same for the past year. So, according to the people who work there, SAS is a pretty nice company to be a part of.


In conclusion, the SAS layoffs are like significant changes in a game. SAS, the company, had to let go of some teammates. It might feel sad, but they’re doing it to stay strong and play better in the future. Like when you rearrange your toys to improve things, SAS is changing to run smoother. People are talking about it a lot, like an extensive discussion. Some say SAS is being smart, making tough choices to keep going. Others wish SAS had been more open about it. It’s like a giant puzzle, and SAS is figuring out how to fit the pieces for a bright future. We’ll have to keep our eyes on the game to see how SAS bounces back!