Is ICPooch out of business in 2024 – Total Net Worth

Is ICPooch out of business? The iCPooch is a gadget that enables pet owners to connect with and care for their dogs over video chat while away from home. James Pelland and Brooke Martin came up with this amazing idea in 2012.

The product was created by dog owner, businesswoman, and animal rights activist Brooke Martin. In 2012, Major organizations like the Humane Society of the United States honored her with a regional award for her efforts with shelter dogs. They also recognized this unique gadget.

When iCPooch made its Shark Tank debut in April 2015, it was estimated to be worth $750,000. As of 2023, the firm’s net worth is uncertain because it ceased operations in 2017.

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General Information of iCPooch

The creator of iCPooch, Brooke Martin of Seattle, Washington, made it so that a man and his best buddy could communicate virtually even though they weren’t in the same room. When Brooke launched her technological invention on Shark Tank in 2014, she was only 14.

Thus, iCPooch is a web-enabled gadget that links dog owners with their pets. With the push of a button on their smartphone or computer anywhere in the world, pet owners can video chat. Also, they can give a reward via the web while away from home using the firm’s internet-enabled pet treat dispenser.

The product also received many awards. These include the 2013 Animal Planet social media award for the best in-home pet business and new product at the Global Pet Expo.

Despite a 2013 Kickstarter campaign failing, Martin remained on the market. In 2014, she used the platform to successfully raise $30,000 by creating a more reasonable funding target. Pet owners could ensure their pets had access to food, water, and care without going anywhere due to this product.

What happened to iCPooch?

The company launched a Kickstarter initiative in late 2013, but its $70,000 target still needs to be reached. With a goal of $20,000, a second Kickstarter initiative in the spring of 2014 earned roughly $30,000. From that point forward, iCPooch was a profitable company. Before looking for more investors, the company’s early revenue was $525,000.

Customers, however, felt that the product cost could have been higher. It’s because it started at $149.9 and ended up selling its high-end form for $179.9. Also, the profitability needed to be higher to keep things going. This led to the decision to stop operating in 2017.

iCPooch after Shark tank

As we previously noted, Brooke launched her consumer tech idea on Shark Tank in 2014 at just 14. Shark Lori Greiner remarked, “I can’t imagine what she’s going to do over the next twelve years,” even though she didn’t get a contract.

After appearing on Shark Tank, Brooke finished high school as valedictorian. Also, she worked as an intern for the CEO and president of T-Mobile, Inc. Journalist John Hockenberry praised her as “the Steve Jobs of dog treats.”

ICPooch, the business built on a unique idea, rose to fame but declined soon. Although it was shut down in 2017, Martin has continued to be entrepreneurial. Martin is now 23 years old. She received her master’s in management science and engineering from Stanford University. As of 2022, she works at Floodgate Fund LP, a venture capital firm Ann Miura-Ko and Mike Maples launched. Its offices are in Menlo Park, California. Her website and Amazon both sell iPoochs for $99.

Martin supports young innovators in her current position. She is assisting them with resources and mentoring. She began working on iPooch and learning about business with backing from her father, Chris Martin, and Spokane angel investor Tom Simpson. She claims Stanford was her long-term dream school that became more realistic.

Brooke Martin and iCPooch

Martin claims that “we would’ve had to rethink the technology and the gadget” due to outsourcing issues. She tried to put previous clients in touch with a rival who offered a comparable product.

Martin received admission to Stanford University a few weeks after she decided to close iCPooch. She describes how one door opened as another one closed.

She claims that through her business ventures in Spokane, she was able to impart her knowledge to other students. She claims that iCPooch is still most likely the event that defines her young life. She received a lot of inspiration from Spokane’s entrepreneurs, patent attorneys, and business investors.

Even though the business is no longer operating, it is frequently mentioned as a regional success story at startup meetups. She says, “I’ll stay down here for my full-time job for the time being.” It has been satisfying to spend my time helping others and learning about technologies and the future.

She has yet to rule out starting her own business in the future. She says, “I keep a notebook and scribble down thoughts. “I believe I will return and launch another business eventually.”


A group of experts adopted the idea and assisted in its development due to iCPooch’s success. The iCPooch product was released in less than two years and quickly gained popularity. Martin presented it to famous investors on the hit reality TV show “Shark Tank.” After that, it won the top award in an “Inventions We Love” competition at the Geekwire Tech Conference in Seattle. Although iCPooch was profitable, the business closed its doors roughly six years ago.