Friskies cat food shortage 2023: What are the possible reasons behind this?

Why is there a Friskies cat food shortage? The 13-ounce Friskies product, a favorite among pet owners, has suddenly become scarce on grocery store shelves. Even though there is no recall, some people have questioned the cause of the shortage in cat food supplies. Investigation revealed that the entire Friskies line is still available, although there is a shortage because of several problems in the supply chain. They include difficulties caused by severe weather, a lack of staff, packaging issues, and equipment problems. There is a shortage since the 13-ounce Purina Friskies brand cat food has been discontinued.

Due to the scarcity brought on by several circumstances, pet owners may currently experience difficulties obtaining cat food at grocery stores. Regrettably, false information about the product’s cancellation or recall has gone on the internet. To properly grasp the problem, pet owners should know the real reasons behind the shortage. Let’s find out all the possible reasons right away.

What are the possible reasons behind Friskies Cat Food Shortage?

friskies cat food shortage

There are a couple of reasons behind the Friskies cat food shortage. In the following pointers, you will delve into the details to determine the prime reasons behind the cat food shortage now:

Issues related to the supply chain

Disputes in the supply chain have been affecting several industries at once, which is why a few segments are facing an extreme shortage of resources these days. Regrettably, these problems have affected the pet food business, including the production of Friskies cat food.

Although Friskies are made in the US, premium ingredients like Vitamin Packs, Duck, and Lamb might only be available from outside vendors. Unfortunately, the entire pet food industry is having issues due to the present scarcity issues, and it isn’t easy to locate suppliers of high-quality ingredients.

The scarcity of top-notch ingredients is a problem many businesses face, not just Purina and the pet food sector.

Extreme weather conditions

One of the main reasons behind Friskies cat food shortage is the extreme weather conditions. Friskies happen to be a brand from the cores of the US, where the weather conditions do not stay stable throughout the year. For instance, you can consider the terrible rainy season that hit the countries in 2017. It destroyed the prospective crops and was a major reason behind the cutting down of resources. 

Despite repeated attempts to improve production from the Friskies, extreme weather phenomena like tornadoes and snowstorms somehow affect their growth. Hence, it substantially disrupted the supply chain for the pet food sector. Pet food products are taking longer to appear on retail shop shelves due to a scarcity of raw materials.

Unfavorable weather conditions have substantially hampered the manufacturing and delivery of necessary goods to grocery stores. This condition affects wet and dry cat food, cat treats, and popular brands. 

Shortage in manpower

Labor scarcity has developed due to an unusual increase in employment resignations, creating a considerable problem for companies looking to fill unfilled positions. Friskies has been impacted by the labor crisis not just in the US but globally as they are having trouble filling positions for their operations.

Friskies’ capacity to make and distribute its cat food products is being impacted by the labor shortfall, making it harder to get these products onto retail shop shelves.

Packaging and management issues

To stay up with changing trends, businesses spend a lot of time and money updating their packaging and machinery, but this process can be expensive. Production can be severely disrupted by equipment failures and the need for repair, forcing workers to stop working on the assembly line. This could seriously affect both packaging and production, possibly leading to inconsistent packaging that falls short of customers’ expectations.

Practical Solutions for Dealing with Friskies Cat Food Shortage

There are several reasons for the lack of Friskies cat food, but regrettably, this does not imply that the item has been taken off the market or is the subject of a recall. Instead, it implies that finding the item in your neighborhood grocery shop can be difficult, and you might also anticipate paying more. Also, shortages may affect other cat food manufacturers.

It is best to continue your search and be patient handling this scenario. If your neighborhood grocery shop does not carry Friskies cat food, look online or at a pet store.

When is Friskies Cat Food production getting back on track?

It is unlikely that your cat’s favorite flavors will return to the market very soon, according to the most popular sources, as the present supply shortage might last until 2023. The saddest part of the scarcity of food production for the animals is that the feline arena was not the only one suffering from a food shortage. Still, there were other segments, like dog food supplies and bird’s diet grains, etc., standing on the same patch as Friskies. Although Friskies products are still sold in supermarkets, finding the flavors your cat prefers could not be easy.

Introducing a new duet to your feline companion

It could be time to switch your cat to a different brand if you can’t find their preferred food. The best technique to do this should be discussed with your veterinarian. They can suggest a product that will satisfy your cat’s medical requirements.

The entire process of food change would take a maximum of seven days to ten days. Till your whiskers companion gets comfortable with the new flavors of food and their system accepts it entirely, you, as a responsible cat parent, should stick to your side patiently with all your affection for them. Combine a little bit of the new food with the old food, then progressively add more new food while removing less old food.


Stores nationwide are experiencing a shortage of Friskies cat food flavors, making it more challenging to find your cat’s favorite flavor. There is a possibility of having a steep cut down on the products of Friskies for a limited period until the company manages to bring back the tasty delights to the feline folks. 

Most importantly, the feline parents have to be very much careful about the adjusting phase of your awesome friend with their new diet. If you are unsure about the process, you can consult your veterinarian immediately.

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