Discontinued Gatorade Flavors List of 2023 – You will miss these all now

what is the discontinued Gatorade flavors? Sports beverages have started dominating the beverage industry. People have become more and more conscious about choosing what they want to drink. People are no longer interested in buying soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which have high sugar values and give nothing to the body. Instead, people want to consume Energy drinks such as Gatto red. 

Earlier Gatorade was only limited to the sports beverage industry covering around 70% of the total market. But with time, it has also become increasingly popular among non-sports markets. It has been found that gatherers contain minerals the body needs to recover from a hangover. If you had too much fun on Saturday night, you might need a Gatorade on Sunday morning. Its increased effectiveness and high energy value are why the product became popular.

 On top of it, it has partnered with many other big companies and events, such as the super bowl. It helped the company become popular and was a great way of marketing. Gatorade has released a lot of flavors in the market. Some have stood against the test of time and have been valuable in the market since their introduction. But a lot of flavors have also been discontinued because of various reasons.

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Why has Gatorade discontinued its famous flavors?

discontinued gatorade flavors

Gatorade has discontinued many of its famous Flavors over some time. To stay relevant in the world, brands must continuously evolve and change how it operates in the market. To create shelf space for new products, older ones have to disappear. This helps maintain a clear image for customers and avoids confusion. The more products from a brand are available, the more the customers will need clarification. 

This is why it is always advised to offer premium products pertinent to the market demands and less variety. The other reason why God to read must have discontinued its famous products is because of profits. Only some variants get famous in the market. Some of them are successful, whereas others could be more appreciated by the public. A company can only bear losses for a short period, so it has to constantly eliminate products that are not making a lot of money.

The third reason is that a brand often decides to launch a product in the market just for testing. The intent behind their launch is never to keep them permanent in the market. Instead, it is to check the customer behavior towards a particular test palette and see if they like it. Other times a brand decides to launch a product in the market just because of a particular festive season or vacation. This is done to boost the sales of the brand temporarily. 

Flavors that have been discontinued by Gatorade

discontinued gatorade flavors

Many flavors of Gatorade have been discontinued now. Some of these flavors have been fan favorites, and customers have instead insisted the brand bring them back to the market. But despite so many requests, the brand has yet to respond to them. As of now, 26 Flavors by Gatorade have been discontinued by the brand. Now let’s look at all the flavors of Gatorade that have been discontinued by the brand. 


Mango is one fruit that is either loved or totally hated by people. It is a tropical fruit found in hot and humid regions, and many desserts and drinks are inspired by its flavors. The mango drink by God to read was not liked by people as it had artificial flavors. It almost felt like you were drinking something artificial and cheap. This is why this drink could not perform well in the market and get discontinued time. 

Strawberry Lemonade

This flavor was made to use as a cocktail mixer. People did not really enjoy this one in particular because of its extra sweetness and the artificial flavor of strawberry. Gatorade has always come under the public’s radar for using artificial flavorings in its drinks, making them taste like cheap drinks and not healthy or expensive.

Strawberry Watermelon

This flavor can be totally called the sweetest of all flavors by Gatorade. The problem with this brand is that their interpretation of fruit flavor is very different from the real flavor of food. This is why they go out of control with the sweetness of the flavors. It is a mixture of strawberry and watermelon and simultaneously tastes both foods. The problem with this drink was that it needed to be a more streamlined product. People found it very vague, and the taste could have been more understandable, which is why it was discontinued. 

Arctic Blitz

The idea behind this flavor was to make it cool, refreshing, and citrusy. But the brand feels the need to do so, and customers compare the flavor of this drink with rose water. That’s the closest comparison they could do, and it wasn’t even like rose water. The flavor could be more precise, which is why many people didn’t enjoy it. The brand eventually discontinued the flavor, which is something that not many people would even remember because of its insignificance.

Glacier Cherry

This bizarre combination was bought by God to ride into the market. Glacier and cherry are not naturally occurring, so people were confused when it was first launched. Later, people learned that it is a combination of citrusy flavors, which is refreshing with the sweetness of the cherry. People needed help understanding this flavor and its concept, which is why it was discontinued by the brand.


Orange is a traditional flavor released by almost all beverage companies. It is scarce that you will find a beverage-making company that doesn’t have an orange flavor. Gatorade’s Orange is one such orange-flavored drink in the market of beverages. Due to its artificial flavor again, it could not perform well in the market. The competition for orange-flavored drinks is high because of the high number of products available.


Gatorade is a brand that has been making many drinks for a very long time. It is one of the pioneer brands in the beverage industry, which has revolutionized the concept of drinks. It brought many products to the market which were actually good for health and did not have a lot of sugar content.

These drinks are fantastic energy givers and can become great substitutes for your protein bars with high sugar quantities. Over some time, the brand has released and discontinued many flavors in the market. This is how your brand operates to stay in the market for a long time.

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